Transit Terminal

A Good Idea from LACMTA?  You're Joking, 
Don't let the Rabid Bus bite!

Welcome aboard! Please stay behind the yellow line, and ring the bell BEFORE your stop. You caught me still needing to work on the public transit portion of my Web site. As time goes on, I will offer up more of my transit- oriented articles, plus plenty of information and, of course, links. In the meantime, how about a few notes, and also some links to other works of mine, to keep your mouse busy?

I have compiled a modified list of all Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) fixed-route bus service, right here. I even updated all the new and changed routes, as of the 12/9/01 service changes. "Gotta Ride Them All!" Kind of ironic I'm moving off the 26 line just as it gets Sunday service?! The new route 53 extension to Brea Mall is a real hoot...and I don't mean "owl" service though t'would be nice, too. Very convoluted northern end, but it does come closest to serving places missed since the dreaded "straightlining", and even the short-turns now at least connect with the #50 on Katella so you can get to one of the destinations the 53 used to serve, the Mall of Orange. Also included on that page now is the first round of proposals for the March '02 changes. There will be no official public heaqring on these, so it would be a great idea to submit suggestions to OCTA, and to do that before December 10th if possible. Do please send us a copy while you're at it. Thanks!

Also posted are some of my more notable transit safaris, such as my Day After Xmas '00 Orange County explorations, and a few other oddball trips from the past year. It's missing a couple newer stories, for now. I do mention transit in some of my travel stories as well, most recently on a car-free week in San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, Santa Rosa, etc. All that and more in the travel section. As you may be able to tell, these are a combination of fun, fact-finding and futility, ha! The OCTA pages will be getting still more of a makeover soon, after I've had a chance to experience first-hand more of the aftermath of the September (9/9/01) service changes. Transit tourists may want to know about an upcoming event, such as those hosted by SO.CA.TA and/or TAOC. One recent tour was Orange-Los Angeles-Lancaster-Bakersfield, all by public transit! If this is even remotely intriguing, please feel free to shoot me an e-note for details.

 Write here, Right Now

Speaking of adventures, the Transit Advocates of Orange County hosted the Southern California Transit Advocates for a study tour of OCTA-land back on Saturday, September 29th. I designed the tour, and have posted basic information elsewhere in my transit pages...and will post notes on the aftermath soon maybe.

You will be happy to know that I now have a leaner, meaner updated version of my transit system mini-review article, sitting here, also freshly updated over the Laborious Day weekend. Ideas, logos and photos welcome! Also, the VERY OLD, messy transit Web-Pages of mine on "GeoCities" are still accessible. Portions of it no longer function, and many of the links are old, but then I have not been able to access it for editing since Yafoo took over GeoCities. This one may also bog down an older computer or slow modem, as it's stuffed with memory-eating moving pictures (those .gif's being only reason I even bother to mention that the old pages still exist at all!).

I am now actively involved in the Southern California Transit Advocates, a group actively lobbying for improved transportation, a necessity with the growing mass gridlock in these parts (coupled with the insane attitude that "more and more roads" is the only possible answer!?!). As Recording Secretary, an exected position on our Excecutive Board, I take notes, type up the monthly meeting minutes, and co-chair the Orange County regional committee. The Orange County Committee, aka Transit Advocates of Orange County, specifically deals with the bus and rail happenings behind to Orange Curtain. Please contact me for all the meeting dates/times/locations and other information.

Ideas, stories, suggested links, etc can be sent to my e-mailbox, thanks!

Let's Be Careful Out There!
DING DING means stop!
Look Both Ways, NOT at your speedometer!

Little Blue Big Blue

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