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  • The Smoke is On! This weekend is sure to be super hot, as there is a lot of cool shiznit goin' down. I'll list them.. with bullets.
  • Thursday 8/28: The Smoke! (everyone's favorite Mod party)
  • Friday8/29: Soviet. A great synth-based indie rock band from NYC is playing Rubber Gloves in Denton.
  • Saturday 8/30: Our very own DJ Meyers is throwing a party to break in his new loft. Don't take "break" too literally.
  • Sunday 8/31: Finally, the weekend is going to be capped off with a second "The Smoke!" for this month at The Dubliner on Greenville Ave. The Dubliner has been the hub for a Sunday afternoon scooter ride for sometime and it's great that The Smoke will be able to wrap up the weekend, and the weekly ride with some great music and smart kids. See you all this weekend.
    • Site is a bit rusty...but none the less... Up and Running! Enjoy You Lazy Sods!
    • New Flyer!
    • The Next Smoke will be Thursday, August 28th at the Cavern Club. You can view the flyer by clicking the link above.


    • Thanks for making The Smoke! such a huge success. We estimated that over a hundred people came. Special thanks to the DJs, all those that travelled from Austin & Denton just to make it.
    • Some friends of ours at Get Bent SC took pictures and posted them on their website. Check them out in what will be our pictures section.


    Email: US

    posted by ryan sumner 8.15.03
