Well, I was up all night, as anyone who read my insults page can see for themselves. And now I'm sitting here in my house, waiting for my mom to get home so we can go get our hair cut and watching Peppermint attack invisible things. So I figured I'd write about seventh grade, though I am tired so Katie'll have to remind me about a lot of things.
It was in seventh that our ritual really became cemented - I'd go to her house every Friday, we'd hang out there, watching trashy Cartoon Network stuff. Then we'd go to Friendly's, walking the same way basically every time. We'd eat there, always ordering the same things. For me, it was a kid's chicken platter with an extra side of fries (have you SEEN what they call an order of fries in that place? for me it's not even a mouthful!) Katie had a cup of chicken noodle soup and a coke, and then she'd have the Candy Shop Sundae with Reeses Peanut Butter Cups and hot fudge. See, Katie, I can remember it, and it's been like sixth months!
After Friendly's we'd go back to her house, do some more hanging out - I believe that was the year I got into Buffy, so we would usually watch tapes of that or...Dawson's Creek? My memory is really foggy. Then, at seven o'clock, we'd walk or get a ride to the Gym and Swim.
The Gym and Swim is, surprisingly enough, a time when kids from JFK could pay to go and swim. And gym. Hmm...But anyway it was a lot of fun. There was a whole crew of us who would go, me and Katie, sometimes Julia, Stef, Beverleigh, Sherie, and Katie WH. Those last three were the ones who *ahem* complicated things.
If you have ever been in seventh grade, in a normal school and not an earthy-crunchy one, and if you're not a sociaphobic like some of my friends, you'll know what I'm talking about. Seventh grade is just when everyone starts realizing "Oh! We're almost grownups! It's time to show how grown up we all are by acting like our lives are a soap!" ARRRRG. Anyway, that's what all of Katie's people were like back then. Even, sorry! Julia and Fets, occasionally. But put up against Beverleigh and Sherie, they were grains of sand next to Mt. Everest.
Anyway, to cut a long and very tedious story short, the waiters at Friendly's that year were Christina, Joe, Doug, Nick...Katie, am I leaving anyone out? Oh yes...Heather. Mwahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa!