My Nicknames, for better or for worse...

Kath Well, this one's a no-brainer, as that annoying Bob the furniture guy would say. Except that my brothers used to pronounce it Calf...

Birdy Ever read a book called Catherine Called Birdy? Well, when I was in fifth grade I foolishly read it in school. And waddayaknow, someone saw it and I had myself a new nickname, which lasted way longer than was necessary.

Steve This one is from Stef. I had to use my brother's lunch box, which had the name "Steve" on it. She won't let it go.

Little Friend For some reason, the Lincolns' grandmother Lou dubbed me this when I was about seven.

Spit Queen Okay, so there's some argument as to who is the actual Queen of Spit (it's a card game, see "Spit") - Eleanor and I both claim this title. But still, I should get at least one semi-cool nickname, right?

The Devil Child See the Friendly's site.

Pheasant Also from Stef. It stemmed from this roleplaying thing in History - my friend Chelsea and I were peasants. Pheasant...peasant...I guess you get it.

Katie Dog I told a little girl at tutoring my name, and she somehow misconstrued that into this nickname. Of course, Stef is responsible for yelling it all over the school... "Kaaatie DOG!!! Hey Katie Dog!"

That Annoying Girl Well, many people have given me this nickname, including you, probably, whoever you are. Well fine! *sniff* If you think I'm annoying, I'll go find some new friends! *looks around for some new friends* Oh well.