Nov 4 /2000

The Revenge
by Julian

About 6”, thin, 15 years old, blue eyes and a curly blond hair he was wearing blue jeans and a white T shirt. He came in to the barbering school whith a friend, about his same age.

 I was waiting for a new customer when I saw him heading to the front desk and asking for a haircut. He seemed upset and nervous. I waved to Diana, the girl who asign the customers, and she instruct the guy to go to my chair.

 He was really handsome. His hair was quite long, about 6 inches all over but it didn’t seem too long because it was wavy. I started to talk in order to get him more comfortable. His name was David. I asked what kind of haircut did he wanted and at first he didn’t say a word. He looked mad and I noticed that something was in his mind. His friend was standing right next to us.

 He finally asked me to give him just a little trim but at the same time he told me that the haircut had to be noticeable. I asked him to make up his mind because if I just cut a little bit, nobody will notice it since he had it so long.

 His friend, started to tell him “Come on man, go ahead”. I didn’t know what was going on.

 Finally I found out what was happening. He had to go to a wedding that night and his father ordered him to get a haircut because he thought his son looked like a girl. David was so angry at his father.

 The afternoon was getting really exiting!!. I started to ask him about his haircut history while I combed his entangled hair. He told me he have had it long since he could remember and that his father had always bother him about it, but he had managed to avoid a big confrontation until that morning.

 I asked him if he had been in the barbering school before and he said that it was the first time. His father had given him enough money to go to a fancy barbershop and his friend has convinced him to keep it and go to our place where the harcut is almost free.

 David was really angry and wanted to upset his father. His friend then told him:  – You know what? if your father wants you to get a haircut, why don’t you go really short, something he is not expecting – What do you mean? he answered.

 - Well, he is expecting you to come back from the barbershop with a dull business man haircut to show you to his friends. Why don’t’ you arrive with a military haircut, something really short, I think he wouldn’t like that too much.

 He considered the idea for a while and then told him that he might be right. His father wanted him to get a haircut but nothing too short. He said that his father had always thought that one of David’s friends who always gets a crewcut was too weird and that he looked like a prisoner.

 -Well, so why don’t you try it?, I’m sure you’ll look fine and anyway it will grow back. – I saw he was hesitating, he loved his hair and cutting it too much was scary. His friend urged him – Come on, lets do it!! –

 - Well, I don’t know, I have never had it short and I don’t know if I am going to like it. -

 I thought “this is going to be just a trim, too bad” and then I took the scissors and the bottle of water to spray his hair. He suddenly said – Ok, lets do it !!-

 I asked - Do you want a military haircut? – and he nodded. – Ok, if that is what you really want…

 I took the # 2 guard and when I was going to put it in my clippers, the friend took the #1 and asked me to use that one. He was serious. I warnet David : - I am going to use the # 1 blade on the sides and back and # 2 on top, all right? -

 He had no idea what was I talking about, he had never had his haircut with clippers but scissors. I told him that # 1 was preatty short, almost bald and that #2 was a little bit longer.

 He hesitated again, but his friend insisted – Don’t worry, you’ll look fine.- and then asked me to turn the chair away from the mirror in order to avoid David to panic. – If that’s ok with you David… - I said and turned the chair so instead of seeing his face on the mirror, David was facing the waiting room where his friend had to wait for him.

 With my left hand I pushed his head firmly until his chain touched his chest, then I put the clippers in his neck and very slowly ran them up thru his head all the way to the crown. I saw huge locks of blond hair falling and white skin showing as the clippers went up.

 I turned the clippers off and told him – Well, David, now we have to go ahead with it – he said – Well, man, just do it – so I turned on the clippers again and enjoining every movement I cut off all his hair in the back. Then I moved to the left side and ran the clippers over his sideburns, which disapeared in one second. It’s amazing how you can cut in one second the hair that has taken a year to grow!!

 I bent his ear and passed the clippers from there to the top. When I was done with the left side, I took a look at my customer. His appearance was changing radicaly. I almost regret what I had done. His hair was so nice and he was really handsome.

 I moved to his right side and repeated the operation. During the whole process, I felt David was concentrated on the feeling of the clippers in his head and said nothing.

 Then I decided I would cut the top with scissors first and then I would use the clippers. I wet the hair and combed it. Oh boy, it was long. I lifted the hair over the crown and close the scissors just leaving half an inch. This time I pushed the hair to the front in order to get it in to the cape. I repeated this over and over and David pushed the hair from the cape to the floor again and again. I guess he didn’t want to see that much hair accumulating.

 I decided to leave a one inche bump in the front. I took one step back and stared at him. There was a new guy, he looked really different now. The short hair fitted him well too. When he saw me looking at him he tried to look back at himself in the mirror but I stopped and told him I was not finished yet.

 I took the clippers again, this time with a #2 attachement. He looked at them and asked me to stop just when I was ready to pass them over his head. he said – lets leave it as it is know, don’t cut it anymore – I told him that I was almost done and that the clippers will only give him a better look and I promessed the clippers weren’t going to cut much now.

 - All right – he said. I passed the clippers all over the top of his head, leaving only the bump in front. He had now a baldy look. Since he is blond, you could hardly see the hair I left on his head.

 I decided to shave almost all his sideburns, the hair over the ears and the neck. I cleaned those small hairs in his neck an face and that was it, it was done.

 I looked at him and said – Well David, it’s done. You father will be surprised, now you have a much shorter hair than your prisoner looking friend!!. Are you ready to see it? I warn you, you are looking quite different –

 He couldn’t wait to see it, so I turned the chair. Silence…. wide open eyes at first. He then rubbed his head with his hand. “ I am bald “. – not really – I replied, - if you want I can leave you bald and you’ll see the difference –

  - No thanks, he replied – I made him look at the floor. It was amazing. There were lots of long blond hair around the chair. - Waw!! is that all mine? – Well, it was - I said.

 He looked back at the mirror – Surely my dad it’s not going to like this, or my girlfriend or my mum. I even don’t know If I do –

Meanwhile, his friend was laughing at him from the waiting room. I told him not to worry about it and reasured he looked great. I think he kind of liked it too. Anyway, he just said thanks and went out where his friend rubbed this head and kept teasing him.


The End.




















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