April 2001

Early memories

by C


My earliest Memories of a Haircut….

I could have been no more then the tender age of 3. At the time I had a normal short all one length boys haircut. (all scissors cut) as the trend goes for most little boys my hair was allowed to grow way to long between cuts.

But this time, for some reason, the time lapsed even longer than normal since my last haircut. I can say that my hair was starting to get so long that it was starting to become unmanageable. Hair falling in my eyes (quite annoying), and covering most of my ears.

My parents did what any parent would do with a kid whose hair was getting long and with no time to run to the barbershop for the next couple of days: they sat me on the bathroom counter and pulled out my fathers mustache scissors (the only haircutting scissors in the house). You can be sure I was not very happy about this whole thing at all. 

First of all, the counter was way too high for my liking. Second, the scissors were inside the medicine cabinet and I had to see the cabinet door swing open toward my head (I was sure the door was going to hit me in the head) ohh I was screaming and a shouting up a storm. You would think my parents were beating me the way I was carrying on. 

That day I ended up only getting a light trim around the ears and out of the eyes (what you would call a bang trim) I think I lost maybe no more then ½ inch that day. I do not remember if the cut looked like crap or not, I do not remember the next barbershop haircut. But now that day is one of my more cherished memories and I can't wait to share a moment like that with a kid of my own one-day.













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