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*      Our Manifesto

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Our Manifesto

GONE are the days of the pretentious art propaganda. Gone are those days when art is being used as a sedative. A tranquilizer for the ailing society. It is high time for a new brand of art. Time to destroy the market of the prevailing art propaganda.

In the verge of a global economic crisis, in the name of profiteering and commercialism, the capitalist system will be simultaneously drowned by their own culture. The kind of art that shall begin the annihilation of commercial culture will be known as guerilla art.

Inside every art institutions, like museums and galleries, we will siege and dispense changes to the traditional maggot-spawning standards of bourgeois art, aesthetics and culture. If we can directly change the prevailing art works through alteration, this is good Poetic Terrorism, but if we will burn, destroy the very market of capitalist art, where alienation of art to the society comes from, it is better to be called Art Sabotage.

Our mission is to free art from the bondage of commodification and commercialism, bring it back to its real societal value—to be man’s friend in the progress of civilization towards a society where exploitation is extinct. Our mission is a noble one.

After a few decades since the Industrial Revolution to the Great Depression which consummated into two World Wars, culture swiftly changed into something that will later become the known origin of ire towards the stinky modes of civilization. But how crafty the capitalist system is! They transformed the youth’s rebellion into a trend, frustration metamorphosed into fashion, counter-culture became conformity. This is evident to what has happened to the hippie movement of the 70’s.

All of these became means of profit of the whole capitalist system. Another great example is the metamorphosis of the revolutionary leader Che Guevarra into a capitalist pop icon. It is just recently that a controversy sprouted from the inclusion of Comrade Che’s picture in a print ad of an intoxicating drink even though he himself doesn’t drink alcoholic beverage.

So, if capitalism can jive with the youth’s anger, even those who have socialist ideology and working class bias, and make it a conniving capitalist culture. Then, it is just right and just for us to make public the rotten culture of capitalism through its own resources—billboards, copy machines, web pages, art galleries, museums, etc…

And it is just proper for them to let us destroy the concept of private property and make art a societal collaboration. Given that we need not ask for their permit to do these things, we will start introducing the new brand of art today.

Hack Now!

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Other Radical Links

*      Filth & Others           

*      Original Adbusters

*      Children of the Proletariat


*      Worker's Party-Philippines


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Contact Information

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Unofficial Address

GAM c/o 1.38MB Diskette Street, Bgy. CPU, Mouse Village, Monitor, Republic of Computer Works



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Last revised: August 24, 2001