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Photo Gallery

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Speakers and participants in KAMPI's Founding Congress Stage used in the said Congress Another Congress picture

Women-Frontliners in KAMPI's November 30, 1999 demonstration Members in a lighter moment The Einstein is a guest band in our Congress

PLM Chapter before a mobilization Anti-Tuition increase rally infront of CHED (Philpost photo) Together with our working parents

TUP chapter goes mountaineering An anti-Oil Deregulation Law protest at Congress Picket for wage increase at DOLE (Abante photo)

Burning CHED's logo (Saksi photo) Support mob for the Battle in Seattle at the US embassy (PDI photo) Operation Dikit

Police brutality (Philstar photo) Against Erap, Against Gloria (Tribune photo) Police brutality again (Shell office, Philpost photo)

Police brutality again and again (SONA, Philstar photo) Amazed at our Godfather poster (PDI photo) Other posters of ours except the Ramos one (Philstar photo)

KAMPI's demo regarding jueteng scandal(Newsweek photo) Another shot of the senate protest with regards to juetengate (TIME mag photo) The message is clear: RESIGN ALL! CHANGE THE SYSTEM! (PDI photo)

Even Starbucks costumers agree! (Philstar photo) Urban poor trying to climb the fence of Erap's mansion (PDI photo) Resign All Traditional Politicians! ABSCBNvideo

Bury Traditional Politics! Institutionalize Radical Reforms!