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Kiara's Historical Embroidery Page

I not only love embroidery, I love to research. My main focus at the moment is 16th and 17th century embroidery forms, because there are so many surviving examples. I am also very interested in Medieval embroidery.

In the Society for Creative Anachronisms, I am currently working towards my Senior Student ranks in both the Embroiderers and the Costumers' guild. This suits my passion for historical embroidery nicely, because anything I embroider can be entered in both guilds.

Embroidery Styles

Current Projects
My works in progress include: An Assisiwork bag, a blackwork shirt, a ruby and pearl necklace (costume accessory) and a class handout on the long armed cross stitch, which is turning out to be part one of a three part Assisiwork class series. Part two will be two-sided Italian cross stitch and part three will be Assisiwork design. I hope to have all of my research papers on this site as soon as I figure out how to do that.

Historical Embroidery Links

A Stitch out of Time
Medieval/Renaissance Embroidery
Joyce Miller's Embroidery Page
Clare's Medieval Embroidery Page
Phiala's String Page
Atlantia Embroidery and Needlework Links
Needlework - Historical and Cultural References
España Historia y tradición: Bordado y encaje
Embroidery Patterns
Slips - Late 16th/Early 17th C. Embroidery
West Kingdom Needleworkers Guild
Elizabethan Embroidery Resources
Auntie Elspeth Reviews Embroidery Books
An Tir Embellishers' and Embroiderers' Guild Rank Requirements
Random Embroidery Advice Nice advice on finishing applique edges
Jacinth's Textile Arts
Megan McConnell's Embroidery Gallery
