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Web Journal

As with all of my journals, the newest entries are at the bottom.

June 27, 2002 - This is still an active website. Currently overhauling behind the scenes. You may have noticed the new look of the intro page. The whole new package will be released when everything is ready.

August 15, 2002 - Haven't had time to work on the new site as much as I would like. I have uploaded the pics of my second sock. They can be found on the Naalbinding page.

September 16, 2002 - I have uploaded the pics of my first sock and organized the pages for both socks, plus a third. I have also made a page for my tabard project and I have updated my Project page. I also snapped more pics of Bruno today and made him two more photo pages.

October 14, 2003 - As usual I update the site and forget to update the webjournal. I haven't been completely ignoring the website but things have been slow as I was getting sicker since last year. But they figured out the problem and now I feel almost as good as new. At the very least I have tons more energy than I did. So updates for the last year has been mostly on my various project pages.

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