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Painters Bibliography

From the SCA_Painters List

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Merrifield, Mary P. collater and translator, _Medieval and Renaissance Treatises on the Arts of Painting: original texts with English translations_ New York, Dover, 1999 (in print, obviously) (12th - 17th c.) -just back in print, first published in 1849, includes information on tempera, oil, wax, fresco, mosaic, glass, gilding, dying, ...

Cennini, Cennino _The Craftsman's Handbook_ translated by D.V. Thompson New York, Dover, 1960 (in print) (c.15th c.) -covers painting and gilding on panel, cloth, stone, etc., making plaster casts, a little on stained glass, ...

Theophilus _On Divers Arts_ translated by J.G. Hawthorne New York, Dover, 1979 (in print) (c.12th c.? can't remember) -metalcasting, glassblowing and stained glass, painting and gilding on panel, walls, ...

Rosetti, Gioanventura _The Plictho_ translated by S.M. Edelstein Cambridge, MIT Press, 1969 (out of print) (1548 ed.) I have a photocopy of this which I could lend out. -covers dyeing cloth, leather, feathers, ...

_De Arte Illuminandi_ translated by D.V. Thompson New Haven, Yale U.P., 1933 (out of print) (14th c.) I have a photocopy of this which I could lend out. -mostly on painting and gilding of manuscripts, a little on inks and calligraphy, flourishing, ...

_Gottingen Model Book_ translated by H. Lehmann-Haupt New York, Columbia U.P., 1987 (out of print) (15th c.?) I have a photocopy of this which I could lend out. -painting and gilding of manuscripts, step-by-step instructions

_Strasburg Manuscript_ translated by V. Borradaile London, Tiranti, 1966 (out of print) (14th c.) I have a photocopy of this which I could lend out. -painting and gilding, mostly of manuscripts, with miscellaneous recipes for pigments, stains and household matters

Vasari, Giorgio _Vasari on Technique_ translated by L.S. Maclehose New York, Dover, 1960 (in print) (16th c.) -painting on walls, panel, cloth, some information on stonework, stained glass, mosaic, etc.

Dionysios of Fourna, _Painter's Manual_ translated by P. Hetherington Torrance CA, Oakwood, 1990 reprint of 1974 ed. (in print) (17th c.) -painting icons, painting on walls, out of period but seems very much in medieval Byzantine tradition

Armenini, Giovanni Battista _On the True Precepts of the Art of Painting_ translated by E.J. Olszewski New York, Franklin 1977 (out of print) (c. 1586) -blend of the "recipe" approach (like Cennini) with the "mathematical" perspective and proportion approach (like Alberti)

Cellini, Benvenuto _Treatises of Cellini on goldsmithing and sculpture_ translated by C.R. Ashbee New York, Dover, 1967 (in print) (16th c.) -what it says, metalwork, stonecarving, general egotism ...

Durer, Albrecht _Painter's Manual_ translated by W.L. Strauss New York, Abaris, 1977 (in print in UK!) (early 16th c.) -drawing and draughtsmanship, mostly

Alberti, Leon Battista _On Painting_ translated by C. Greyson London, Penguin, 1972 (in print) (c. 1435) -perspective, proportion and shading, like the Durer


Bomford, David (et al.) _Italian Painting Before 1400_ London, National Gallery, 1989 (recently reprinted) I have a photocopy of the technical introduction which I could lend out. -in depth study of panel construction and painting, after Cennini, lots of useful information about the backs and edges and hinges of panels

_The Early Sienese Paintings in Holland_ /edited by H.W. van Os et al., translated by Michael Hoyle The Hague, Gary Schwarz/SDU 1989 (out of print?) -in depth study of selected pieces, photos of backs, pigment analysis, etc.

Caroselli, Susan L. _Italian Panel Paintings of the Early Renaissance_ Seattle, University of Washington Press, 1994 (in print, cheap at Powells) -in depth study of panels held by the LA County Museum of Art, good technical introduction, but not as thorough as the Bomford

_Historical Painting Techniques, Materials, and Studio Practice_ symposium edited by A. Wallert et al. Malibu, Getty Conservation Institute, 1995 (in print) -several useful articles, including partial transcript of a 15th c. recipe book, articles on gesso and verdigris, painting of cathedral statues, etc.

Thompson, Daniel _Materials and Techniques of Medieval Painting_ New York, Dover, 1962 (in print) -pigments and media available to medieval painters, by translator of Cennini

Thompson, Daniel _Practice of Tempera Painting_ New York, Dover, 1962 (in print) -panel prep, gilding, raised & punched gilding, egg tempera

Binski, Paul _Painters_ (Medieval craftsmen series) Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1991 (in print) -painting on walls, cloth, panel, etc., guild & workshop info

Wolfthal, Diane _Beginnings of Netherlandish Canvas Painting 1400-1530_ Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1989 (in print) I have a photocopy of the text (no illos) that I can lend out -history with some technical information on painting on cloth and the transition from panel to canvas

Stephenson, Jonathan _Materials and Techniques of Painting_ London, Thames & Hudson, 1993 (in print) -prep of panels and canvas, tempera, oil and other paints

Wehlte, Kurt _The Materials and Techniques of Painting_ New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1975 (out of print) -extremely thorough, covers wall and easel painting, both common and obscure media and pigments, oil, tempera, lacquer, encaustic, backpainted glass ...

Architectural Arts:

Eames, Elizabeth _English Medieval Tiles_ London, British Museum, 1985 (in print) -decorated pottery floor tiles, mostly descriptive of surviving tiles and floors, but some information on production

Eames, Elizabeth _English Tilers_ (Medieval craftsmen series) Toronto, University of Toronto, 1992 (in print) -same as above, some info on roof tiles and bricks, a bit more emphasis on the craft

Coldstream, Nicola _Masons and Sculptors_ (Medieval craftsmen series) Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1991 (in print) -architecture, stonework, not very much on sculpture but a good overview on a subject that isn't covered much

Marks, Richard _Stained Glass in England during the Middle Ages_ Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1993 (in print) -design, cutting, painting, leading, workshop practice

Brown, Sarah _Glass Painters_ (Medieval craftsmen series) Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1991 (in print) -the industry in England, workshop practice, some technical information

Isenberg, Anita _Stained Glass Painting: basic techniques_ Radnor, Chilton, 1979 (out of print) I have a partial photocopy of this I could lend out -brush technique, pigment sources, uses medieval models not Tiffany, hurrah

Book Arts: Shailor, Barbara _The Medieval Book_ Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1991 (in print) -step by step book construction, with period examples

De Hamel, Christopher _Scribes and Illuminators_ (Medieval craftsmen series) Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1992 (in print) -whole creation of manuscripts, from parchment to binding, not meant to be an instruction book, but much useful technical information

Johnston, Edward _Writing and Illuminating and Lettering_ New York, Dover, 1995 (in print) -scribal arts, some good information on period techniques, mixed with 'modern' how-to approaches

Other Crafts:

Waterer, John W. _Spanish Leather: a history of its use from 800 to 1800 for mural hangings, screens, ... footwear, gloves, pouches and caskets_ London, Faber, 1971 I have a partial photocopy I could lend out -poorly organised but useful book on gilded and decorated leather, some technical information

Cherry, John _Goldsmiths_ (Medieval craftsmen series) Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1992 (in print) -jewelry, tableware, devotional items, etc., emphasis on workshop tradition and craft, some technical information
