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The Kissing Jelly Bean's Bio

(I'm a nerd and damn proud of it.)

 Hello there!  It has been recently confirmed that my jellybean flavor happens to be raspberry!  Isn't that amazing?  Huzzah!

As I've said before, I'm a recent graduate of mathematics at the University of Texas at Austin.  For you people who know what I'm talking about, my favorite areas of math include Algebraic Structures, Number Theory and Discrete Geometry.  I also like Topology and Knot Theory.  I recently did a paper concerning Illuminations of Convex Bodies of Constant Width in E^3 under Karoly Bezdek at Cornell University.  Bezdek introduced me to the area of Discrete Geometry which has lots of application to computer science, and this will probably be my area of concentration in graduate school. When I get the chance, I'll put the paper up on my page.

Besides math and photography, I enjoy ballet, belly dancing, sewing, reading and writing poetry, trivia, playing flute, violin, listening to music. . .a lot of things!  I just don't like sports or politics although rock climbing is fun.  I absolutely love costume work.  Halloween is one of my favorite holidays next to Christmas (and Valentine's if I have a boyfriend).

       I have a brother.  That's him on the right.  I don't know what possessed him to stick his head on Austin Power's body, but oh well. . . His name is Johnny.  He can be goofy at times, but he's also mastered the art of sarcasm to an amazing degree.  He loves Tori Amos, Acura NSX's, and dolphins.  Why dolphins?  I really don't know.

This is Travis Fricke, my husband of a year.  I met him during the summer of 1999 while grinding my brain to a pulp at Cornell.  He graduated from there himself with his Linguistic degree and is now back in school working on sonography certification.

I love the guy to death and he loves me too.  He gives the best hugs and kisses I've ever had.  The guy is really smart and just the sweetest and most easy going person around.  He's also really witty and happy and smiley and . . .I could go on for ever.  He's cute too, but one can gather that from the picture.   Can you tell I really like this guy?

                    "Hi Kitty."  

Isn't that picture with the kitten adorable? Look at the two staring into each other's eyes.  We're at my friend Jodie's apartment playing with her kittens. The orange one is named Nipples and the grey one is named Loki.  Like me, Travis is a cat lover.  He's also a They Might Be Giant's and Wierd Al Yankovich fan.

 Travis is the one who coined the nickname "Kissing Jelly Bean" by the way.  Long story, but its a cute one.  I think what I like most about Travis is the fact that he is so thoughtful.  There was this one time I fell down a flight of stairs and skinned a good portion of my knees.  Travis came home the next day with a bag of sour gummi candies (one of my favorites) to cheer me up.

An interesting fact is that Travis is the only person in the world who speaks Gibber-Ibi-Latin fluently.  hee hee.

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