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On The
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Sonic and Tails go to the good or bad future of Doomsday Zone, depending on your P.O.V.
Android #17- You're looking well... doctor... Knuckles brings Metal and Mecha back online, possibly to fight Robotnik... or maybe Sonic. Dun dun DUNN!
Actually... this is one of the most recent ones... The Humongo Heads!
Sonic enters the bad future of the Labyrinth Zone or Scrap Brain Act 3.
Tails comes in to save Sonic and Knuckles from Robotnik's newest weapon that just destroyed the Chemical Plant Zone.
Amy and Sonic return to Chemical Plant, just to find out it's become a Genocide City.
Sonic is trapped in jail. And yes, this hoax has been copied...
You always wondered if you could get enough hits in....
Oil Ocean Good Future is a waterpark.
The Future of Sonic Stadium, Sonic Crackers, Sonic Studium, or Knuckles Chaotix Beta....
Everyone says this looks like a Sonic Adventure Zone, but I don't have a DC...
Sonic just got 5 points. 1/20th of a ring?
Yes, Robotnik is still working on Emerald Hill Zone....
Don't ask how the monitor got up there...
Sonic 3 Beta.
The evil heads begin!
Yahoo! That game was so cool when it came out... Bubsy just won a level!
The Elephant... Fox....
Whoah... level from a beta from a prequel.... cool... Tails and Sonic find Neo Wood Zone in Sonic 3.