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Aboriginal Perspective

Aboriginal people in Canada and the US suffered because they were involved in the fur trade. It made competition that started wars between the tribes. The Iroquois made themselves the most powerful tribe in the east because of the wars.

As voyageurs traveled across the country, they carried European diseases like smallpox with them. They wiped out about 75 percent of First Nations population.

Besides disease and war, traditional ways of life were squished as the peoples started to have new ways of living and turned to alcohol.

Women had the job of preparing furs for transportation. It was a lot of work and took them away from their normal duties so men started to have more than one wife so that they could all prepare furs like an assembly line. Well that isn't very cool. Also, the Aboriginals also helped exploration by guiding the explorers and drawing maps on birch bark or in the sand for them.

The effect of the Europeans on the Aboriginal people of Canada wasn't a positive one! They brought with the much termoil and suffering. The Europeans not only single-handedly helped destroy the Aboriginal Nations but they also wiped out many Tribes. Some tribes had to fall out and blend in with outer Nations. Sending some tribes into extinction.

* Thanx to Lindasy Joy for partial Information*

Aboriginal Perspectives Part 2