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aboriginal perspective2

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The Aboriginal people suffered very tramatically because of their involvement in the fur trade. Rivalries began to occur between new nations of other aboriginals, and old ones began to "heat up" becoming much worse then had been beofre. War broke between the tribes, the Iroquois was the strongest tribe, they wiped out the Huron, the Susquehanne and the Seneca, becoming the most powerful tribe in the east. As "voyageurs" travelled across Canada they brought their European diseases with them. Large outbreaks of smallpox arose in the areas which they had passed through or been near to. The diseases spread far and very fast, wiped out nations and almost sending few into extinction. Some historians have estimated that within a 200-year period, First Nations populations were reduced by as much as 95 percent. Typhoid, diphtheria, plague, influenza, measles, tuberculosis, venereal disease and scarlet fever killed thousands.