"The one round my arm is a Celtic band and it was the first one I had done. It shows allegiance to your tribe, so I think of mine as showing my allegiange to the Spice Girls."
"I had some Japanese characters put above my Celtic band, because I like the way they look. The symbols mean "Woman" and "Strength" - Girl Power!"
"I've always liked crosses and a Celtic cross is lucky and protects you."
"I lost my grandfather and step-grandma to cancer while I was on tour. I always feel like they're my guardian angels looking after me, so I wanted something to signify that I still think about them, even though they're not here anymore. So that's why my belly tattoo says ANGEL."
"I wanted something that was quite earthy. Anthony from Red Hot Chili Peppers helped me design it, using the Tibetan symbol for 'Grounding'."
"Well I thought the new one on my back was the last but something always happens that makes me have to get another one. I found out in Chinese mythology the Phoenix is female energy.....
".... Yin and Yang is male energy and the dragon represents that. So I've got to get a dragon now to balance me out."
"A small one on my hand. It's a star, my northern star. My friend was getting one and I couldn't leave the parlour without getting one."
She also now has two symbols on each wrist, I think they are written in Hindi or Arabic, and I have heard that they mean luck and happiness is a pic of the work in process, taken from the official site.
"I have a silver and gold Rolex with a diamond face,"
"I wear my Spice Ring from Geri, my Cladagh ring like the one I bought for all the girls and a diamond solitaire that my Nan gave to me."
"I wear a sleeper through the top of my right ear,"
"A diamond nose stud,"
"A solid gold tooth,"
"... and a big chunky gangster chain necklace and bracelet."