*You remember snap bracelets getting u in trouble at school.
*You ever played with 'My Little Ponies'
*You remember friendship bracelets - ties than couldn't be broken
*You ever read Nancy Drew, The Hardy Boys, The Babysitters Club or Sweet Valley High
*You know all the words to "Ice Ice Baby"
*You had a crush on one of the New Kids on the Block members
*You remember the New Kids on the Block
*You wanted to be on Star Search
*You had garbage Pal trading cards
*You can rememeber what Michael Jackson looked like before he had plastic surgery
*You wore one of those t-shirt rings or a scrunchie on the side of your shirt during your youth
*You wore french rolled pants, or the ones with the zippers on the back of the legs
*You wore multiple pairs of socks in the middle of summer just so u could be 'hip' (purple and hot pink looks so good together!)
*You have puff painted your own shirt at least once
*Cabbage Patch kids
*You knew what Willis was "talkin' 'bout"
*You know the profound meaning of "Wax on, Wax off"!
*You were upset when She-ra, Princess of Power, and He-man was cancelled
*You can remember watching Full House and Saved by the Bell for hours, back when they were new episodes
*You hold a special place in your heart for "Back to the Future"
*You wanted to be a Goonie ("Goonies never say die")
*You remember Madonna in her comeback stage
*You knew "The Artist" when he was humbly called "Prince"
*You ever wore fluoroscent-neon clothing
*You could breakdance, or wish you could
*You remember when ATARI was a state of the art video game system
*You remember M.C. Hammer (and owned a pair of "hammer pants")
*You can still sing the rap to "Fresh Prince of Bel Air"
*How many of you can recite the theme to Ducktales?
*You own any cassettes
*You owned a pair of L.A. Fear, Keds or Converse sandshoes
*You carried your lunch to school in a Gremlins or an ET lunchbox
*You have ever pondered why Smurfette was the ONLY female smurf (and how come Baby Smurf never grew up)
*Gummy Bears, Transformers, You can't do that on television, Double Dare and Ridgy Didge are familiar to you
*You ever had a Swatch Watch or POP-Swatch
*You actually spent countless hours trying to perfect the "Care Bear Stare"
*And knew the song...the Carebear countdown...
*You thought that Transformers were more than meets the eye
*You spent long hours in the loungeroom building and re-building Lego cities
*Do Polly Pockers or Popples ring a bell?
*Big wheels and bicycles with streamers were the way to go!
*'Party like it's 1999' seemed SOOOO far away!!
*You stayed up all night listening to Teddy Rupskin
*Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?
*If you still have a crimper in your bathroom drawer
*If you remember siging Amy Grant's "Baby, Baby"
*You have more than one Star Wars action figure
*You loved your acid-wash jeans, black stretch pants and big loop earrings
*If you wanted to pick a lock with a toothbrush just like MacGuyver
*You wanted to travel through time like Quantum Leap
*You had at least one Hypercolor shirt
*If you remember when rollerblades were the new thing
*You were scared of the Gremlins
*The Wonder Years was a part of your daily lifestyle
*You had Hotwheel races down your street
*Rainbow Brite...
*When Bum Bag were cool
*How many trolls did you have??
*Does "Heroes in a half shell" mean anything to you (TURTLE POWER!!)
*Everything was rad, totally awesome and tubular!!!
*You remember when the original Nintendo was the best $100 you could spend
*When Astro Boy was Pokemon of the day
*Do you know who killed Laura Palmer? Or were you not allowed to watch TV at that hour?
*When Kylie and Danni said 'goodnight Australia' on a weekly basis and later when you were embarassed to say that you liked Dannii?
*How cool was Punky Brewster and her rainbow socks?