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Submission Information

Submission guidelines:

  1. Please clearly indicate title (or lack thereof).
  2. 4000 word limit.
  3. Please avoid first line indentation of paragraphs. Instead, leave two blank lines between each blocked paragraph. Please send poems exactly as they are to appear.
  4. Please provide a brief, yet compelling, biography (along with any necessary explanation of your work).

Submissions may be sent as attachments in:
MS Works, Word 6.0/97-2000, WordPerfect 5.0-5.1, or in .jpg, .gif, .tif, or .xif formats.

The best and easiest way to send your work, however, is always as text in an e-mail message.

Submissions may be edited, not for content, but for clarity.

All published material will appear only on the Memory Cue website, and all rights of ownership will be retained by the creator of the published material.

Contact Memory Cue:


If you want to be seen, submit to Memory Cue!