MetlMafia:  Hey A-Dawg! What's up???

MetlMafia:  my cliche gay question

PutrilageGore:  nada, right now I'm just updating my sites, including yours.

MetlMafia:  You're supposed to be paying attention for this interview!

PutrilageGore:  I am

PutrilageGore:  what else do you want me to say?! hehe

PutrilageGore:  ok let me start over then......

PutrilageGore:     ANSWER: Hey Dea-Boz! Things are just great over here. We just played a killer show in Houston, TX. I would like to shout out to my metal brothers & sisters for showing up and giving us a great response like that!

PutrilageGore:  ok, did you freeze up?

MetlMafia:  awesome! How was the show you played a few weeks ago with my fellow Ohioan's Regurgitation?

MetlMafia:  no

PutrilageGore:  That show just plain ass ruled! Hound of Corpse Gristle has a real great idea on his place. The crowd response was killer, and so were all the bands we played with, including REGURGITATION. Hails to Ben, Brian, & Dan! Sickos!

MetlMafia:  I heard you sold out of everything at  that show

PutrilageGore:  yup...we sold of all our merchandise that we took with us. The same thing happened at this last show in Houston. We have been fortunate for such great crowds at our shows. We really appreciate it.

MetlMafia:  You also said that Brian (Baxter) told you he was so impressed with you guys he's putting you at the top of the waiting list for this years Ohio Death Fest?

PutrilageGore:  Shit yeah!!! he told me that in an email when he got back home from that small TX tour they did. I really hope it's true, and I really hope we get to play. If not, it's cool. There's always next year, you know?

PutrilageGore:  But we look forward to spreading the gore through OHIO!!!

MetlMafia:  Ah, I'm really hoping you get to play this year, too, you guys are SICK!!!!!!!!!!!

PutrilageGore:  Thanks Dea. I know you reaqlly want us to go. You're always telling me that. So, just for you, we will put a curse, so we can get to go play there at that FEST!!!!

MetlMafia:  I want to marry all of you.

PutrilageGore:  hehehe! Unfortunatly most of us are all married...but you can marry our music. I'm sure it won't mind. Our music likes hot, wild sex!

MetlMafia:  Ok..sounds good to me!

MetlMafia:  Anyways, how long have you boys been together?

PutrilageGore:  The core of this band has been together since 1994. The bass player and I were last to join, and we joined in Jan of '99. Since then, it;s been the same line-up. We are very close friends now, and our music is getting even more brutal, and even more tighter as well! We are bonded by gore!

MetlMafia:  Tell us about your demo, "Gorenography", and the new song you recorded for the Metal Mafia comp.. 

PutrilageGore:   The "Gorenography" demo was recorded at Sonic Deli Studio in San Marcos, TX. It has 4 songs on it, and they are "Gorenography", Until She's Dead", Facial Bowel Release", & "Hack, Slash, Cut...You Bleed". Since the release of that demo we have written a few new songs, one is "Feasting on Scabs" which we went back to the same studio to record for you and your comp CD. We wanted to give the fans of Metal Mafia a different song to hear, before they order the demo, or if they have it already.

MetlMafia:  I'm sure everyone will be impressed with the new track on our compilation. It's quite sick and brutal!

 PutrilageGore:  Thanks again Dea! We really hope so. We put some hard work in writing that song. Well we always do. That song for now can't be heard anywhere else, so it's cool. But we will re-record it again for our full length CD this Summer. 

MetlMafia:  Will it always be MY song??? >:OP

PutrilageGore:  That song will always be yours, Dea! No matter what! Just remember the version for your comp will only be heard there! Once we re-record it, of course the different studio will have it sound different.

MetlMafia:  You guys are too good to me.

PutrilageGore:  We try to be, you have helped us out since you first got our demo, and you have been my on-line buddy for quite some time now!

MetlMafia:  Yeah, we've become pretty close, I tell you practically everything now!!

MetlMafia:  **sniff sniff**

PutrilageGore:  yup you do! Don't make this a sad movie moment now Dea!

MetlMafia:  Ok, I'll try not to get too mushy!!!!!!! ...

PutrilageGore:  ok, good

MetlMafia:  What are you guys doing right now? Anything in the plans?

PutrilageGore:  well right now we are just focusing mostly on shows. We have a couple lined up until the middle of March. After that we will see if the plans for the OH fest come through. After that we will just focus on writing new material. We need a few more songs to finish our line up for the full length.

MetlMafia:  When do you hope to release the full length? Any idea of a title for it?

PutrilageGore:  Well we are hoping to enter the studio in August '00 to record it, and right now with no label support, we really don't know when the release of it will be, but we're hoping soon after we record it. We will shop around the finished product to labels to see if there is a chance for a deal first, before we throw our money into the duplicating, since we will already be spending lots of cash for the recording and shit! Yeah, the title of it will be "Devouring the Gutted", which we are already playing that song live. The cover for it will be done by Zig, who is known for his Corpse Gristle work with the Viral Load, Prophecy, Sintury, and the zine covers, plus the Deeds of Flesh, and Disgorge. So we're excited to see what kind of shit shit he will come up with!

MetlMafia:  Are there any labels you are especially interesting in working with?

PutrilageGore:  Shit any label willing to give us great support is the label we will choose. It seems that the labels we really wanted to work with only want us for compilations, or distribution, but that's good enough for us right now. We will see what happens later down the line (after a good ass kissing session - hehehe!)

MetlMafia:  Well, I heard that you have a great new promotions person.

PutrilageGore:  who?

MetlMafia:  Some chick from Ohio.

PutrilageGore:  hmmm...let me think for a moment! oh yeah her. She's ghetto! I hired her on, cuz she is the only one to admit to me that she is a PUTRILAGE groupie! Her name is Dea. Do you know her?

PutrilageGore:  but seriously....we are glad to have you on board, Dea. We're just waiting for your promotional work to begin! (hehe!)

MetlMafia:  No, but she sure does sound cool!

MetlMafia:  You gotta put something out for me to promote! LOL..wait till the comp. comes out with the new song, and this interview in the 'zine!

PutrilageGore:  ok, good deal!

MetlMafia:  I'll have you signed like this....**snaps her fingers**..

PutrilageGore:  ok, we shall see! All you reading saw it here first! This is a written contract. If she does not get us signed, I want all of you reading this to send her threats, and bombs in the mail!

MetlMafia:  I'll take that challenge!

PutrilageGore:  cool with me, if it's cool with you!

MetlMafia:  Your vocal style is very intense. How does your throat handle it?

PutrilageGore:   well I have been doing Death vocals for about 8 years now, so my throat is able to withstand the torture I put it though day in and day out for this band. I love seeing how low I can get them. When i frst started i couldn't even get low. Over the years it just got there. So there is still room for improving them, or lowering them I should say!

MetlMafia:   I remember writing to you a few years back when you did your 'zine, Beyond the Grave (I think that was what it was called, right?)..what happened with that?

PutrilageGore:  yes it was Beyond the Grave, and yes it was a few years ago. I was young, and stupid, and unknowing how to hanlde the work you have to put into a zine, so basically I quit the scene for a couple of years. I didn't mean to make people think of me as a rip-off. i was just a retarded young idiot back then. Now I am back in the scene, and planning to stay as long as I have life!

MetlMafia:  And now you're doing Witness The Sickness webzine...tell us about that.

PutrilageGore:  Well, I didn't want the same thing to happen to me again, cause now I need to worry about money. I mean being married and having bills, and shit like that, you know family stuff! So I created the next best thing, a webzine. This way i get to still contribute my work to the underground, and not having to worry about spending a dime fot ir. I mean now a days almost everybody has a computer, so now is the right time for my webzine to be around. For those who have never seen my webzine, check it out at:

MetlMafia:  Besides the webzine, you are also dabbling in doing web design, right? You've done a fantastic job on the Metal Mafia site so far! Do you want to start doing this as a side job?

PutrilageGore:  I wish i could. Designing web pages is my dream job. I mean I think i do a fairly good job, but there is still more for me to learn about web designing, but one day, YES, I do wish I could do it as a side job, or even a main job. So far under my belt I have the band site, the webzine, your site, and my Witness the Sickness webring. Maybe a porn site will come soon too! hehe!

MetlMafia:  can people contact you about doing a site?

PutrilageGore:  yes, definitely. If anybody is interested in me doing your web site, or helping out, go ahead and contact me by writing a letter to me, or by sending me an email.

MetlMafia:  What's this I hear about you getting "Metal Mafia" tattooed on your butt?

PutrilageGore:   yeah, it's right in the ass crack! It's my only tattoo. Since Im always shitting, I put it there so I can think of your zine during my favorite past time!

MetlMafia:  Awww, how nice!!!!!! I hope you wipe it clean afterwards

PutrilageGore:  of corpse I do! I wouldn't want to get that tattoo dirty!

MetlMafia:  You're always thinking of others...what a guy!

PutrilageGore:  hehe!

MetlMafia:  Back to the you have any demo's left? How can people get one?

PutrilageGore:  yeah we have quite a few left. The best way for people to get one of our demos, is by taking a beautiful naked photo of the best looking chick you know, and sending it to me, oh and add $3 to that letter then you will get one. Or if you live over seas, make sure she shaves her arm pits first, then send $4 and it's yours!

MetlMafia:  Hahaha, pit hair rules!

PutrilageGore:  hahahah, no it doesn't! Neither does crotch hair!

MetlMafia:  What do you think of the few people (no names) who have told you guys to stop wearing hats and baggy pants?

 PutrilageGore:  I respect thier opinions, but I think it's a bunch of crap! Images in bands fell out of music when POISON stopped wearing make up! When we wake up in the morning right before a show, we throw on clothes that stay on all through the night. We're not Kiss, or any image setting black metal band, so we don't care what we look like, and others shouldn't either. Music is for listening not for looking!

MetlMafia:  True dat!

PutrilageGore:  let me add to this that i don't mean any disrespect for those with opinions, but I mean come on now!

 MetlMafia:  Alright, my brother...I have run out of questions!!!! Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to do this interview! Feel free to puke here.

MetlMafia:  (I may think of other things to ask you at a later date to add on to this)

PutrilageGore:  Dea, thanks a million for putting us in your zine, and making us the main feature! (hint, hint). Your zine is well respected in the underground, and I know it gets to many people. Everybody reading this interview order one of our demos for only $3 us/$4 (world). You won't be sory you did! May you all soon rot in PUTRILAGE!!!!!

MetlMafia:  Very well said

PutrilageGore:   please add to the final question......We also have shirts for $10 with the logo on the front and the words "I LIVE A LIFE OF GORENOGRAPHY" on the back.


c/o Aaron Mendiola

PMB 252, 8745 Grissom Rd.

San Antonio, TX 78251 USA