Tis the Game that makes the being.... i dunno lol anyways this games main character cloud is like me attitude wise.. thats why i liked this game alot lol
Cloud: the mercenary of soldier trying to find out the mystery of life and taking jobs for a buck meets all the other chracters through the game
Aeris: you first meet this girl in town and buy or not buy a flower from her shes a ancient one of the few left who can talk to the planet
Tifa: clouds should be girlfriend you can tell she loves cloud and would follow him anywhere shes also the keeper of the bar 7th heaven
Barret: This Big Loud Obnioxious Guy is a Man Filled with hate and pain after losing his village to the Shinra Corp. hes seeks revenge on shinra at all costs
Cat Sith: This large Doll is Operated By a Cat that can Speak i didnt use him much because well.. hes a gay character...
RedXIII: the Cool Red Dog of the game Hes Strong and very Knowledgeable... you meet him at Shinra inc.
Cid: yes another cid.. hes strong speaks his mind and doesnt give a shit seems mean and outlandish but hes a good character
Sephiroth: the Main Evil of this game Started out as a Great Warrior in Soldier the highest ranking officer turned Traitor to the planet as he found out he wasnt a real person
Rufus: the Son of the Owner of shinra takes his heir when his father is killed
Jenova: the Name is of a Real Person.. But also of a Project.. Thats is very odd in shinra..
hojo: the scientist Who created the Jonova Project and 2 other chracters..i wont say who.. but youll find out..
Vincent: the Vampiric Being thats a hidden chracter in the game