Rantings by me |
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This Is For Mature audiences Only Before the rants, Read I am a Very Opinionated Individual, if something pisses me off you WILL see it On this Page, Basically the Underline of This Page is The Raw Opinion Of a 22 Yr old who does his own thing and will say whatever and say it where ever He can post it, i also give YOU my readers The Option to Send me Storys and Articles That Piss You off and I will write on it if you send it to me VIA email
How Do I send Rants I Wanna Hear about? first off Email Me and put in the subject heading "Something to Rant About" with your full name and your internet nick if ya got one and ill email you back when ive done the rant youve emailed me my requests are: 1 Rant Per Person No pictures in the email unless i specify keep it short and sweet but detailed so i know what the hell your talking about and if i dont like the topic or if I dont know anything about the topic i will not rant about it and will tell you before hand Thank You!
The Rantings by me Music N moooooooooooooore Ok If your a male And you have a good singing voice thats great you have a talent! But please please please Just shut the fuck up! im sick of hearing all these songs bout loving this girl and shit like that we need moresingers like nate dogg not ginuwine ok.. hes got more talent then me and he prolly can dance in his videos but.... if you read issue #1 youll see what i mean bout dancing men in videos and singing like a fag... Lost Loves ive Lost Alot of Gf's to Bs like Cheating. backstabbing and Just plain lying i dont deal with girls anymore just a select few that are too kind to even need my attention im not a nice guy to alot of ppl and im also one of the reasons i dont flirt with everygirl.... and thats that but thing is if your a player all you are doing is playing yourself, if you can handle 4 upwards of 10 girls i commend you but at least dont go and take the least effortless guys gf's away from them i qualify that as a hater not a player The Loss Of the Nation But the Gain of a Headache On sept 11th We as a Nation Suffered a Horrible Loss of the Twin Towers and Alot of Innocent Lives and Bin Laden Knows were after his Scrubby Turban Lookin ass!! thing that bothers me we as americans have the power to overcome anything.. but.. but... Can we Overcome this Hands Across america Bullshit Once again??.. i mean seriouslyi know what happened im american.. i have eyes i see this shit But Does all Them Damn Channels Have to Keep showing them.. again and again and again its like the media is rubbing it in our faces to get us riled up sorry i aint riled up the government has that dept. and another point of interest... why the hell do the celebrities have to sing once again.. and mtv showing all this we have to get together bs once again??... i mean seriously we know the movies stars and actors singing thing on tv was just there community service you know it i know it they dont give a shit lol.. Microsoft BAH! Microsoft this year is trying to out due them selves by releaseing the great windows XP and the XBOX Now XP from what ive heard is a great OS and i dont got probs with OS's cuz they make the pcs run and work better ive heard its a great OS .. but the Xbox is a whole diff story... i mean can they not stay in there Area??? like OS's and software and some hardware... now they are trying to take over the VG industry and its just not fair .. the government sent MS to trial a few years back For Monopolizing i think its time to try again Government and stick it to em good this time Cuz you know they arent Spose to be Here either... soon if MS's system succeed we as americans Will have No Choice Left it will all By By MS or Nothing at all and MS are bastards with Prices on there backs waiting for us to accept and buy them which aint happening With me... Retractions sigh... (in retraction to my xbox story) I was wrong in my opinions about the xbox i bought one shortly after i got some hype about halo and dead or alive 3 i think it aint a bad system but its still cursed if it was done by microsoft but oh well ill enjoy it while i have it thank you! Hire New Voice Actors Ya fucking dweebs Ok ok this ones bout a videogame im about to beat im enjoying the hell out of my New Rpg/adventure title Kingdom Hearts its cool and im hella glad sephiroth is back also my only gripe is that the celebrity voice i think are hella cool except for sephiroths i went on Gamefaqs.com and read the CHar Voice List Bio on the page and i was pissed off about sephiroths voice i mean CMON! Lance Bass From N'sync??? WTF ARE YOU THINKING SQUARE!?!?! hes one of them "im too good for singing like a queer ill try and go into space" (HAHAHA he cant either glad he got shot down!)cuz the russians were like we dont want no pansy little pussies who sing like queers in space! hahahaha but other wise the game rocks im enjoying the hell out of it My Final Fantasy? Ok i was happy to hear a new final fantasy title was out But why the Fuck did it have to be a online only adventure??? i mean damnit havent we video game patrons learned that hardship with repetative things to do on Phantasy Star Online? and Phantasy Star Online v2? (and they stiffed the americans and made us pay) i mean cmon if the japanese market wants to pay let them but the americans didnt say they wanted to? keep it simple like pso v1 FREE ONLINE PLAY!! fuckers always griping about the japanese market trust me think more of the americans than the japanese market and youll make more money dont cater to those pokemon playing slit eyed sob's im sick of it if a game i was excited about that was released in japan and it didnt fly over too well there... not to release it in american well fuck that thats a buncha bullshit! i dont wanna have to import every game the japs didnt find suitable so you slate it for american players fuck that and fuck you for thinking you can determine hgow it will sell on american soil .. you dont so try it and see youll prolly make more money greedy sons of bitches.. The Prices Of the Shit He need Man i was shoppin today and im looking through food to buy and im looking at some mac and cheese i was like hell yea i love this shit but then i saw the price ( and by the way i aint no damn thrifty shopper i buy shit for the lowest price) and the fucking tiny ass mac and cheese was like 3.50 i was like wtf? tree fitty for a box of mac and fucking cheese aint that bout a bitch? then i was moving on over to like health shit ya know like shaving cream shampoo the usual and i was feelin a bit grizzly ya know i needed a shave and i was out of the cream and its like 4 bucks im like fuck that ill get some fucking whipped cream and use that shit and myt shampoo omg i was foamin at the mouth by this time and then i forgot i had one of them fucking cards that save me money and i bought my shit came to 22.05 and i save get this 1.29 1.29!! out of fucking 22 bucks i saved a dollar and twenty nine cents where the fuck are the savings i sure as hell didnt see them they got some theifs working them registers too man the girl took my money and looked like she wasnt bout to give me my fucking change.. Life is a bitch and if imma need this shit anymore im going to fucking dollar store fuck this Taxes taxes taxes.. OH MY! Man i bought my usual cigars today and was sittin here smoking one of em and thinking bout the tax on these bitches and im like jesus i dont know how they get away with it it pisses me off not to mention whats on ya fucking check fucking social security state medicare loans and fucking taxes you dont got any fucking money left to spend and as for medicare they keep hiking it up and taking it out of our checks im fucking pissed i didnt say i wanted to take care of all the old people in my fucking state nor do i wanna i dont care but its like half of my fucking check and that is what bothers me if it was like 3 bucks i can understand but like 20 or 30 fuck no dont even thats just bullshit and fucking social security is fine but loan when the fuck did i get a loan? and the medicare should be taken out of the politions pockets not ours lord knows they make enough fucking money but thats why were taxed they got there god damn filthy hands in our pockets and our checks and our banks it dont make sense we should have our fucking hands in there pockets and be taking there money cuz half of the fucking people in this fucking state can hardly feed themselves or dress themselves or can walk let alone work for 40 to 80 hours (depending on how you are) its rediculous how we have been putting up with this bullshit since roosevelt was in office a long fucking time ago.. fuckin a What Makes Life Fair? Fairness.. Fairness... You Have to Have Fairness..Bullshit all fairness has proven to me is that i while doing 20 other jobs is as fair as some dumb son of a bitch sittin in a office drinking latte pushing buttons making 60 bucks a fucking hour while i make a measly 4 to 7 a hour and ppl say thats fair no its not i already know im smarter than this bastard up in the office and i know i could do this better than he could shit a fucking ape could push buttons and make this amount of money for what he does i mean shit see the good ppl get screwed the good ppl put up with it tho and why do we put up with it?? because we dont want to lose the security of our minimum wage by bitching about it to other ppl and we always need that money we always need that green and that greed it isnt enough that i was poor throughout my exisitance and it isnt the fact thatnim looking for a job BUT ITS IS BECAUSE THEY SAY IT FAIR BECAUSE I MYSELF DIDNT HAVE 50000 DOLLARS FOR FUCKING COLLEGE THAT IM PROLLY GONNA WASTE MY MONEY ON IF I WENT IN THE FIRST PLACE...Life isnt fair i could be providing for my family and providing for myself but why cant i?? because i cant find a decent fucking job to do that with so im stuck scooping up change for cigarettes and scooping up change for my fucking soap and shit like that life is fair life isnot fair its a double sided coin in which we put into the pocket of top government whores and officials which for taxes we didnt want raised and its for these taxes why im so fucking poor life is just a excuse a waste of time and dont understand it your better off not knowing.. Reasons to Be Happy or Not.. Reason to be happy is if you kno your gonna get laid and you know your going to get paid and to know how life is gonna treat you in the morning.. well i know and im not happy i aint happy because life has always been throwin me curves and falls and strikes.. life as i have learned it so far is just a race a race to the finish of when you die i dont do anything fast because im making my time speed up faster i dont rush things i dont huryy up and i dont make sure i got everything b4 i leave this kind of thinking is my kind of thinking and action it makes me spontaneous and quick on the draw it makes me do a little more time and work on everyhting im doing it makes me actually appreciate my time i have left and i dont regret any of it thus far... Hello MOTO FUCK YOU! Ok tv commercials are pissing me off, like seriously do i wanna hear bout fucking kotex tampons while im bout to take a fucking bite outta my food, fuck that shit! and the cell phone commercials oh my god im seriously gonna bust that "can you Hear me Now?" guy in his fucking nose he ever steps in ohio, and the cinnamon krunchers cereal is soooooooo fucking good, but... I AINT PAYING 5 FUCKING DOLLARS for a box of cereal. rediculous... end of mother fucking story! I am The Great BUNGHOLIO! FUCKING A PUT BEAVIS AND BUTTHEAD BACK ON THE AIR!! It sucks now cuz king of the hill is now sorta replacing that cuz mike judge is making it i mean cmon spongebob rocks the fairly oddparents rock south park ... well its still funny.. and fucking ren and stimpy now are a gay duo (oh tell me you saw the new one? ) its rediculous put all the funny old cartoons on again.. i miss em im starting my cartoon withdrawals! Rage Im seriously thinking about anger management... i got alot of rage... i dont even try and control it anymore..i figures fuckit why should i even try.. not like imma wake up in the morning and its gonna fucking change shit.. sooo much shit to be angry about.. but none of it imma unload on this fucking page... ill save it for another time.. possibly a life story who gives a shit about nothing. i dont deal with women for one due to the fact everyone of em is gonna fuck me over and or fuck me and leave.. and money problems like gas and food.. and then just the fact i wanna bust ppl in the jaw for no reason because they fucking annoy me, would you say i need anger management? Mutant Lawn I got one of those Yard that everything is pretty much weeds you know and i look like the lazy bastard in charge of it.. when i dont really give a shit yea sure i got a 10 foot dandelion sticking out of my lawn but so what.. mowing the law whats that gonna do its gonna grow back in like 2 days due to the mass of fucking weeds in the yard.. and my lawn mower alone just almost dies when i tackle the front yard.. fucking motor sputtering its last ounces of gasoline.. while i sit there and am gonna have to do it again in like a day and a half.. why the fuck do i have the mutant Lawn?.. my neighbor does his grass everyday and it looks fine but when i do it NOOOO the fucking lawn is plottin on me.. waiting to take over my fucking yard. Love Love.. what is love? To Me its Nothing More than a Momentary thing in which we act like idiots to please one another and then find out you are NOTHING but a speck when you thought you were a Larger Piece of the Puzzle. Love is a Very Deleicate thing in Which i Or In my beliefs I should say Doesnt Exist. To Have Someone Tell you they Love you Is a Fucking Lie... nothing will come of it and its all a dream when you come to the end of the road wondering where your teeth are after they have been knocked out by the person who so called "Loved you" Love is a Lie And so Are other things. in which my next rant will explain.. just remember if someone says they love you its just a way for them to sort through your bloody carcass to find something to latch onto then dump when they find something else better in bed and or life more money more lust and or more pain. depends on who and how you are. but for all the Ex gf's who think im special and who think im a good guy but not good enough to have as a bf your dead wrong only because i would tell you i wouldve loved you for as long as i could hold life into my body. and I also must say your Bitches and (once again) can suck my balls for making me feel like i was nothing because making me feel what you are makes me feel a lil more jaded and assholeish in ways if this rant hurts you so what fuck off my words are here and when i fucking die and you realize what you have lost i regret not telling you how i felt. but here it is throw me away and allow me to love you till i die and then realize what you lost "a niceguy" whos now a asshole. People People lol We Dont Even Got the RIght Of saying we are that... We Scurry about looking for a new job a new career a new school a new life.. when we screw everyone else out of one.. i mean cmon i made a point about school.. and i made a point about.. technology... im running out of fucking points... so give me some credit for this much shit to post on a page when i get time.. i mean i hate my fucking job and i hate the fact that i will end up going to school soon.. and i hate the fact.. i live down the street from a fucking church... i do enjoy the fact that i smoke pot alot.. only because life is so fucking shitty i need something to stabilize it in tune with the rest of the fucking madness...and regrets and things i will never have back.. which is bullshit and im gonna bitch about it for ppl who dont like to bitch.. im bitchin about it because we do this shit until were thrown out which is called retirement.. and thrn buried in the ground with so many demons inside of us we never release them...they just go with us into the ground... FUck this Petty and Shitty Excuse for a Life we Have Because its gonna turn into nothing but a big empty hole by the time our childrens childrens children are adults. Insomnia Insomnia is Pissing me off Its a Hugeeeeeee fucking dissapointment when i know i need to work, pisses me the fuck off im laying there for 5 + hours trying to sleep just making it worse when i toss and rturn and my bed gets all fucked and my sheets start coming off. It really Annoys me its like cmon body i know your fucking tired but my mind just wants to do more and my bodys like "whatever" I dont have alot of shit on my mind damnit then why the fuck do i have to lay there for more hours than i can count trying to sleep damnit it aint fair. Anti Holiday Hello, First Off im Going to Explain a Cuople Of holidays for you and there purpose (as interpretted by moi). Holloween. Yes the candy rotting teeth holiday event, it rocks you get candy and dress up so your not yourself just someone else yay for that!. Thanksgiving. Ok Im not a big turkey fan but kill em all who cares its a big stupid ugly bird, that needs to be dealt with anyways if it had the option it would prolly sit there mouth a gape and drown if it was raining. Christmas. Its all Commercial The Media Has turned it into a Buying frenzy buy your kids this and that its supposedly about family and stuff, but if you tell kids its not about presents the kids will hate you, do we really need some fat cookie eating reindeer whoring bastard breaking into your house and leaving shit under your tree?, why the fuck do you need a tree anyways? dont bring the outdoors inside its like a insult to nature you uncivilized fuckers, i mean dont get me wrong its supposed to be jesus's birthday New Years. Ohhhh its a whole new year, just like the last one, fuckit no one gives a shit but you, you stupid bastard, its just another year to fuck up more and or get laid before you get any older, and supposedly make up for the last year when you already know its gonna be more fucked up that the last. Valentines day. This is a legal Prostitution holiday, basically ladies valentines day is nothing more than bullshit, the guy your dating gets to act nice one day out of the year, and buys a 5 box of chocolates to get you to sleep with him, chocolate is not a approdieziac or however you spell it and if you have someone to spend it with fuck you if not enjoy celebacy, and all your bitter mates who loved you sit and plot ways to get you back. and or stalk you i hate this holiday a bit more than christmas Easter Ok for you dipshits that dont know this is the rising of jesus christ, not a actual holiday based on a fucking bunny who hides brightly colored eggs, ooo i found a pink easter egg the easter bunny must have hid it here, NO you fucking moron your mother hid it and dyed it and boiled it, its a story of hope and cheer bah fuckit if it was so hopefull and cheery then why the fuck wouldnt jesus hide the eggs himself, Hell he'll make a miracle out of it. Basically the holidays are for lonely people, people who need to believe in something other than themselves, and in others there should be no commercialization or rules or the fact you need to be a part to a bigger whole be yourself no one else is going to become you, you have to become yourself, and if you break a few rules and a few friends so be it, the holidays are garbage, nothing more nothing less. People who arent worth your time. Alot of the time in life you meet ppl who arent even important enough to acknowledge, but once in awhile you feel the need to be nice and talk to these ppl you usually wont like the result if ya couldnt stand this person beforee, becuase you prolly were the first to talk to them and now are there best friend in there eyes... These ppl are general dipshits in life, the type of person who would do something disgusting or revoltings to you but yet sees you as a friend, ppl are weirdos im telling you, be on guard they are everywhere, a moron here a moron there, just be careful who you acknowledge. The Government Of The State Needs To Go Fuck Itself, Seriously. |