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Monthly Bugle Website

updated Monday  26th of June 2000 

Subscribe to the (Dutch)Monthly Bugle Newsletter
Monthly Bugle
Waar haal je de Monthly Bugle vandaan?
Bij Gojoker Comics
Bij Henk Lie's Comic & Manga Store
Bij de Magic Comic Corner
Bij Kapitein Rob
Via de post (abonnement)
Via de post (eenmalig)
Rechtstreeks bij dhr. Teffer (persoonlijk)
Geleend van een vriend
Ik lees geen Monthly Bugle


Beginning in #31 we will keep a list of the most popular comics according to the Monthly Bugle readers. It is up to you readers, to tell us what your five favorite comics of the moment are by e-mailing us.
Monthly Bugle #30 (June 2000) is ready and to be ordered by depositing fl.3,50 (including shipping & handling) on  girorekening 6581745 c/o Peter Teffer, Amsterdam; Monthly Bugle #30. OR ordered the three latest Bugle's (#27, 29 en 30) for only 8 guilders!
If you are a publisher of some sort, take a look here for more information on advertising and how to send comics to be reviewed.


Index of this site (Dutch)

  1. FAQ!
  2. Links! (readable for English)
  3. Monthly Bugle Archive 
  4. Reviews online!
  5. Banners!


The X-Men Movie will premiere 28 September in the Dutch cinemas...


For questions or more information, e-mail at