Main Street Journal
Madisonville, Tennessee

— Northern Prejudice And Corporate-Like Liberal Reporting—

By Barbara Cornett
Several sites on the web such as AlterNet, Democrats, and American Politics, have been reporting that Catherine Danielson at Nashville Insanity has uncovered vote fraud in Tennessee. These people have been reporting this based on hearsay and have done NOTHING to investigate or verify, before they 'report'. I intend to investigate all accusations as best I can. I am not a journalist and have no resources, however, I managed to find some information in Murfreesboro, Tennessee and I am going to do all I can to find FACTS in the other places where Danielson makes accusations. More about that later.

I am very much against the corporate media for their 'reporting' of lies, rumors, and 'reporter's' exalted OPINION. I wish to believe that liberal sites on the web are sources of FACT. Because if they are not, then they have as much credibility as any corporate media.

With the research of David Limbaugh, Main Street Journal has found that, contrary to what Danielson has said, NOTHING happened in Murfreesboro as far as election fraud is concerned.

I wonder if northeastern liberal journalists have a prejudice against the south that blinds them? I was born and raised in Madisonville, Tennessee and I still live here. The things that Catherine Danielson was saying simply did not have the ring of truth to me and so I started looking for some information myself. Fortunately I found David Limbaugh at BoroWatch in Murfreesboro, Tennessee and with his help I was able to find some FACTS. David investigated this situation and found out from Mr Penuel at the election commission in Murfreesboro, that Danielson's accusations were "news to him".

David also told me the contact information, "as far as a list of workers, call the election commission at 615-898-7743 and ask for ***** - she is great!"

At this point I am waiting to see if David finds more information, fixing to contact Mr Penuel and the local leader of the NAACP in town, Dwight Ogleton. When I find more information, I will send it along to you.

It seems to me that if the liberal northeastern web sites were a little less willing to believe that all white southernors are bigots, or that all southern blacks are pitiful and defenseless because they must be stupid and beaten down by us white bigots, they might have done some investigating of their own before so willingly publishing and reporting this misinformation by the misguided Ms Danielson.

You may still do so.

I am a progressive, and I hope that you understand why I would not appreciate your attitude and opinion of The South, and that I am disappointed by your reporting of this issue. If FACTS prove me wrong then I will say I am sorry and admit that I am wrong. I hope you will do the same.

The Latest

Thanks to David Limbaugh, who contacted Reverend Ogleton, the local leader of the NAACP in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, we have new information. David reports:
Reverend Ogleton called (me), the local leader of the NAACP, and he has heard NOTHING about this incident and agreed that between he and myself we would have definetly heard about it.

More ~ ~ ~ March 29 ~ ~ ~My Source David Limbaugh reports ~ ~ ~ "I spoke to three (3) local black church leaders and all three knew nothing about this...."

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