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Below is my pet dragon! I set up polls for my viewers to vote on. You got to choose whether it would be a he or a she, and then you voted for the name of the male or female. here are the results:
Dragon's Gender
1 Guy
6 Girl

Guy name's
1 Enadu
3 Starry
1 Trunee
1 Cranidule

Girl name's
1 Jewel
4 Twilight
1 Shenice
1 Brieusunta

This girl dragon's name is Twilight. Thank you for voting!
Both of the Dragons above have been provided by this website! So go here and enjoy!

This page has been Copywrited © by: MystcTwilight
Therefore, I ask of you, that you ask before using the graphics on my pages. If you take graphics from my pages without permission, I will be sorry, that you didn't ask! :-)
Please do NOT steal graphics on ANY of my pages. When people steal, it is illegal on the internet too. It is called bandwith. Please e-mail me before using graphics, because not all of them are mine, I have asked permission to use them on my pages. If you steal adopted pets, you can be reported, and have your site be completely deleted by your home (example: by, angelfire, geocities, expage, etc.). So please do not steal graphics. Instead, save them to YOUR server, and upload them to your *home*. For more information on Uploading and the consequences of bandwidth, click here.

The Cave ~ The Nest ~ The Entrance ~ The Pond ~ The Scroll ~ The Fairy ~ Credits/Faq Meadow

Them from "The Labyrinth"