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I have different "Linkz" sections. Mystical Linkz are first, but be sure to check all of them out!! I also have webrings at the bottom that I have joined!!

Mystical Linkz

Amber's Dragon Lair
An Awesome website on Dragons! Download them, pictures, graphics and bars and stuff!! A must see for dragon lovers!

I haven't really explored this site, but I think its good. Check it out and tell me about it.

Sweet Water Nymph
A cool place!! FULL of mystical stuff! She even has some really cute dragons and gryphons and elves to adopt! Another must see for people who like mystical stuff!
Create Your Own Agency!
Your Own Cyberpet Agency! Presented by: Starluck from Sweet Water Nymph

A Magical Castle of Enchantment
A dragon site that has not really been explored by me. So, this is another that you have to tell me about!! Tell me how much you enjoyed it!

Lovehaze's Realm of Angels
An interesting site about angels. If you like angels at all, you must go here!! It is an angel page you will never forget, and most likely bookmark!

Mystical Adoption Linkz!

The Cypris Adoption Agency
This is a really neat adoption agency, you can adopt a Cypris, and you can do some other really neat stuff!! You will be able to see my Cypris heresoon!

This site has alphabetically categorized the subjects of about over 2,000 adoption linkz!!!! The variety is so big, that you could vary from adopting a pencil or rock, to a baby, or horse! If you like to adopt, come here!

The EVERYTHING Adoption Agency!
This is an amazing site, which has almost any creature you could think of owning!! It even has cool teens to adopt! You can see the creatures I adopted in my Creature Cave.

A Cyberpet Adoption Agency!
A really cool Cyberpet Adoption Agency which tells you everything you want to know about owning your own adoption agency!

Asynjur's Fantasy Realm
A neat Fantasy Realm. They have cute adoptables, and some really neat backgrounds, 266 of them!!! They are all *mystical* so be sure to visit this page!

The Xowa Cave Adoptions
An adoption center with some of the neatest dragons!! I'm going to be adoptiong some soon!

Neopet Adoptions!
A cool place to get a pet, and you could say, you customize it!! You choose its name, the color of it, and you get a few choices of strength, where it lives and other neat things!

DSpirit World(A place to get your Spirit Book!)
This is where I got my SpiritBook, but it is also really neat, because of its graphics and backgounds, a very neat place!

My World
This is a neat website, she is now a friend of mine, that is also in the Site Fights... I'm sure she would appreciate it if you signed her guestbook or voted for her!

Gurl Linkz

A cool place for gurls to hang out and make pages and stuff. You can get your own gurl e-mail address, chat, shoutout, and go to other gurlpages!

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