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Cheering! Cheering!
Cheering is what I do!
I cheer for me, (that's what I do) and Stormy's
Legends too!
Come to my site!
It'll make your day bright!
I'll be happy too!
It has dragons, poems, stories,
linkz, credits and FAQ,
so you see,
you will have lots, and lots of things to do! *Celtic Stars*

This page has been Copywrited © by: MystcTwilight
Therefore, I ask that you simply e-mail me and ask if you can have something on my pages. Please do NOT take graphics from my pages without permission.
This is known as stealing. Which is illegal any time any place. The internet term we use for stealing, is bandwidth. SO... Please e-mail me before using graphics, because not all of them are mine, I have asked permission to use them on my pages. Kidnapping pets is also a big deal here on the net. You can be reported,if you have stolen. The consequences after that are; having your website erased by your server, (angelfire, expage, geocities, aol, etc.) and getting the lucky reputation of a stealer! So please do not steal graphics. Instead; ask, if given the *OK*, save them to YOUR server, and upload them to your site. For more information on Uploading and the consequences of bandwidth, click here.

~ The Cave ~ The Nest ~ The Firey Inlet ~ The Pond ~
~ The Plaque ~ The Scroll ~ The Fairy ~ Credits/Faq Meadow ~ The Stable ~

The Theme from "The Never Ending Story"