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National Federation of Student Councils

#252 Unit I Lava Town Homes, Commonwealth Cor. Calderon St., Old Balara, Diliman, Quezon City

Tel/Fax 436-4549/433 8377: Cell phone No. 09198145442




October 23, 2000


The President/Chairperson

Supreme Student Council/Government



Dear Fellow Student Leader,

Warmest Greetings from the National Federation of Student Councils!

Our country is bombarded with the different issues that need to be address. In this light, it is indeed high time for us to create venue to discuss and formulate our concerted stands on these issues. As the standing political centers of students in the campuses the Federation believes that Student Councils will play an important role in dealing with these issues by leading the struggles of our sector.

The National Federation of Student Councils [NFSC] will be having its 7th National Congress this coming November 21-25, 2000 at the Ridge Convention Center in Tagaytay City. With the theme: "The Role of the Student Councils in Forging Unity in the Student Movement", the Federation aims to unite the whole student sector through the pro-active leadership of the Student Councils.

With the current trend in the Councils' stand of exposing and opposing issues alone, NFSC envisions a sector led by SCs that are more critical and effective in handling issues. We need Student Councils that can struggle and win issues confronting our sector.

The time has come for us to renew our commitment to the students we all vowed to serve. Let us be the force believe to be the catalyst for change.



With you for the students and the people,



Ariel Alejandro

Head, Preparatory Committee

NFSC Vice President for Finance