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National Federation of Student Councils

#252 Unit I Lava Town Homes, Commonwealth Cor. Calderon St., Old Balara, Diliman, Quezon City

Tel/Fax 436-4549/433 8377: Cell phone No. 09198145442



February 27, 1994. That day passed without most of us noticing. But for some visionary student leaders, it was the beginning of another great page in history - the birth of the student movement from years of decay.


Realizing the need to established an alliance, which is completely autonomous from the state and independent from the influence and manipulation of outside forces, political or otherwise, an independent federation emerged in he form of the NATIONAL FEDERATION OF STUDENT COUNCILS.

The actively existing SCs chose not to limit themselves within their campuses and developed different forms of elevating student leadership by stimulating their dynamic ideas and actions for change.

The present crop of NFSC leadership aims to transcend the monotony of rhetorical activism and stereotyped radicalism into the broadest ever student movement. It aims to unite its sector without prejudice to issues, political dispositions, cultural beliefs and ethnic origin. This will democratically decide and act upon its every program and objectives based on brand new forms of actions, organizational expressions and strategies.

Unmoved by criticisms of other student organizations and with limited resources, the NFSC was able to expand throughout the years. In its six years of meaningful existence, it has gained respect not only of other youth and student organizations, but that of the government as well. The NFSC is recognized by the National Youth Commission and has been often represented the student sector in the House Congresses. In fact, most bills related to education during the 10th Congress has been influenced on time or the other by the Federation.

Besides struggling for the democratic rights and welfare of the students, the Federation recognizes its role as a catalyst for change in society. It has relentlessly supported the struggles of other marginalized sector in our society like the labor, urban poor and farmers. The NFSC, sincere to its "Serve the People" orientation, actively participated on National Issues and has been the prime mover of several alliances such as Alyansa ng mga Tumututol na Estudyante sa VAT [ANTI-VAT], Students' Advocates for Voters Empowerment [SAVE] which popularized the Anti-Trapo Movement, the Bukluran ng Kabataan para sa Pagbabago [BKP] and the YOUTH Arise which advocates the Magna Carta of Students.

Recently, the Federation has participated in pressing issues such as the Oil Price Hike, Charter Change and the controversial VFA. It continues to support the struggle of other sectors in their issues such as the P 75.50 wage increase and consistent in providing the poor with socio-civic activities such as medical and dental missions. The federation continues its role of providing our student leaders necessary skills and knowledge through our student leaders development training package and issue discussions. Undoubtedly, with the continued support and commitment of its members, the federation will continue to grow both in number and in service.




The Federation shall be enshrined with the following basic principles:

    1. Education is a right and a state responsibility and should therefore be afforded the highest quality possible and is made successful at curriculum levels.
    2. Relevant education must be liberating, pro-people and transformative in content and pedagogy.
    3. Relevant education is part and parcel of genuine national development goal
    4. Academic freedom must at all times be critically sought, valued, promoted and protected by all educational institutions without prejudice to academic excellence.
    5. A genuine student council must be:

    1. AUTONOMOUS, in conduct of it's administrative and fiscal dealings, programs and duties.
    2. REPRESENTATIVE, as duly mandated by the studentry.
    3. DEMOCRATIC, in its every decisions and actions continuously consults and upholds the constituencies' interests.
    4. VIGILANT, takes active guard of rights and welfare of the students and the people.
    5. CRITICAL, the degree of rending issues without fear of isolation from the studentry.

    1. The student movement, in its history and aspirations for societal transformation, is an integral part of the Filipino mass movement in general.




The Federation is committed to:

    1. Work for the establishment and preservation of a genuine and democratic system of administration and decision-making in the Philippine Education System.
    2. Consistently promote and protect the student rights and welfare in all form and arenas possible.
    3. Serve as active forum to converge the Filipino students and unite them in common goals and actions.
    4. Progressively promote the capacity and commitment of student council leaders through training and education programs.
    5. Work for concrete educational reforms simultaneous with continuing advocacy and the promotion of relevant education for eventual transformation.
    6. Actively involve the students in the struggle of the people for national development and transformation.






  2. On local mass struggles

    The NFSC will continue to help and lead the student councils in their struggle against unjust tuition increases, campus repression and various issues that confront the students inside their campus. As a response to this need to address these issues, the National Executive Board [NEB] created a special committee that will deal with these issues. It will be known as the Students' Rights and Welfare Committee [STRAW Committee] headed by the National Treasurer.

    On Education Issues

    NFSC will be spearheading the campaign to educate, promote and popularize the 8-point Legislative Agenda for Education [LAE] to its grassroots level - the studentry. Furthermore, it would campaign and lobby for the enactment of LAE both in Congress and in the Senate. For this purpose the NEB through its campaign department will launch a massive campaign of the LAE. The objective of the campaign is to rally and reach the broadest range of students to support the Legislative Agenda for Education. The culmination of this campaign is the establishment of an alliance for LAE.

    On National Issues

    True to its role of serving the Filipino people, the federation will continue to take part in various issues affecting the nation such as the issues on Press Freedom, Oil Price Hike, and Charter Change and anti-people policies of the Government. It will forge tactical alliances with various multi sectoral groups and other sectors in these struggles.



  4. On Research

    The NFSC will conduct researches on student concerns particularly on the Tuition Increases. The Federation will also develop an ED curriculum that will guide the students in understanding and analyzing important social, economic and political issues. Part of this curriculum will include discussions on the National Situation and Education Situation.


    On the Publication

    The "Student Review", the official publication of the NFSC will also be maximized to further consolidate our ranks. In this line, the NFSC will recruit volunteers not only from councils but also on campus publications to compose the editorial staff. Brochures, pamphlets and discussion papers are likewise released to provide the studentry with relevant and up-to-date information.

    On the Resource Center

    The NFSC will provide the students a venue to learn through a physical center for the federation.



    In order to equip student leaders with sufficient knowledge and skills, the NFSC will offer training for effective student council management. This includes courses on Student Council Orientation, Management Training, Project Design and various courses deemed necessary to help the student council members in their tasks. The Federation will also offer discussions on various issues that confront the students. The Training Committee will draft the curriculum and actively offer these training not only to student councils but as well as student organizations and SKs.



    The NFSC is beset with financial problems. However, this should not serve as a hindrance in the realization of its goals. As a resolution, the NFSC will exert all efforts to generate funds to support its operations. Aside from the yearly membership fee, the NFSC will push for the implementation of monthly dues from the members to help augment the financial burden of the Federation. The NFSC will also draft a comprehensive strategic and tactical finance plan. Examples of these are: 1) Regular network of pledgers from the alumni/ allied personalities 2) solicitation 3) finance projects such as concerts, NFSC membership cards, cake raffles, etc.


    The NFSC will also conduct campaigns to directly help the marginalized sector of our society through medical/dental/legal missions, tutorials, outreach programs and community immersions. This task will be under the office of the Director for Special Projects.




On Membership

Membership is open to all central/supreme student councils. However, in the absence of such, membership of the largest student alliance or central student organization present inside the campus willing to commit themselves to the NFSC goals is welcome. Schools nationwide are clustered by their area locations to hasten the flow of communication from the National Executive Board to the member schools. An area coordinator is assigned per area. Schools are also classified into either member or expansion school. The Networking Committee is headed by the Director for Networking under the guidance of the Secretary-General.


On the Organizational Structure




Regional/Provincial Chapter