Chapter Six: More Than a Friend

The Next Afternoon...At the Airport...

“I’ll see you guys in a few weeks for Thanksgiving.” Justin says to Brooklyn, Jonathan, and Carlos. He had on his fisherman hat and sunglasses so he wouldn’t be recognized as easily. “You take care of yourself.” He says to Brooklyn and she nods. Jonathan hugs his older brother. “I’m gonna miss you.”

“I’ll miss you too. Mom is flying in today so you’ll see her later. Be good for Brooke, okay?”

“I am!” Jonathan exclaims as if he’d been accused of something.

“Hey Carlos, watch your sister. She’s a spaz.” Justin says, and Carlos giggles.

“Okay.” He says.

“I’m not a spaz.” A voice over the intercom tells them that Justin’s flight is boarding. Justin wanted to stay so badly, but he knew he had to get back to the tour. “We’ll see you in a few weeks, Justin.” Brooklyn says.

“Yeah, in a few weeks.” He confirms. The two stand there for a second before embracing in a tight hug. "I'll see you soon, Brooke." Justin says.

"I know." The two pull away and Justin heads to the entrance to the plane. He turns back and waves just before he's completely out of sight.

"What do you guys want to eat?" Brooklyn asks the two young boys as they walk out of the airport.

"Pizza." Carlos says.

"Pizza." Jonathan agrees.

"Okay, we're going to get pizza at the mall, and after we leave there, we're coming back to get your mom, Jonathan." Brooklyn explains as she takes out her keys. The young boy nods. Brooklyn unlocks the backseat door for the boys and they climb in. She walks around to her side and gets in. They would have to return about two hours later to pick up Lynn. Justin would be coming back in three weeks for Thanksgiving. The guys get a few days off for Thanksgiving before they went back on tour.

"Brooke..." Carlos says. She looks at her little brother in the rearview mirror. "What are we doing for Thanksgiving?"

"Um...well, we are going to stay with Jonathan and his family.”

“What about our family?” Carlos asks, and she wanted to cry.

“What about them?”

“Why aren’t we going to stay with them?”

“Carlos, our you want the truth?” He nods. “Well, our family is very screwed up right now. I don’t think it’ll ever be the same.”

“Oh.” Carlos says, looking down. “So, we’re staying with Aunt Lynn?”

“Yeah, we’re staying with Aunt Lynn.”

They arrived at the mall thirty minutes later, Jonathan and Carlos talking the whole way. Wondering where Steven is? He’s with his mother. Lynn decided that she would bring him with her so that Brooklyn wouldn’t have to deal with so much. Brooklyn insisted that she left Steven there with her, but Lynn refused. The two boys jump out of the car and wait for Brooklyn. “Okay,” Brooklyn says, walking up to them, “Where do you want to go first?”

“I’m hungry.” Carlos responds.

“Me too.” Jonathan says.

“Okay, so we’ll eat.” Brooklyn says and they start to walk towards the entrance to the mall.

Brooklyn and the two boys sit down at a nearby table with their pizza. Carlos and Jonathan got two slices of pepperoni pizza and Brooklyn just got a Sprite. “Where do you guys want to go after you eat?” Carlos and Jonathan look at each other and shrug. “Well,” Brooklyn says, sighing, “You’ll just have to come everywhere that I want to go...”

“No!” The two boys shout. They had been to the mall with Brooklyn before. If they went wherever she wanted to go then that meant they’d be going to girly stores and places they didn’t want to go.

“Okay, okay. Jeez. I’m really not that bad to shop with am I?” They nod. “Well, I’ll tell you what, I’ll let you guys choose as we go through the mall, but I get to go to at least one store, deal?”

“Deal.” Carlos says and looks at Jonathan.


“Okay, well, hurry up and finish eating. We only have about an hour left before we go get Aunt Lynn.”

“BROOKLYN!” A girl yells. Brooklyn looks up, startled and the two boys look around. Her eyes rest on a blonde-haired, green-eyed girl walking towards them. A dark-haired, brown-eyed girl is with her.

It took Brooklyn a second, but she realized who it was. “Mandi, Amanda hi!” Mandi and Amanda both worked at Hooters with her. The three girls got along okay. Brooklyn and Amanda had become fast friends. Mandi and Amanda come up to the table. The two boys watch, puzzled.

“Well, whatcha got here, Brooklyn? Babysitting?” Mandi asks, a wide smile on her face.

“Sort of, but not really. This is my brother, Carlos, and that’s my friend’s little brother, Jon.” Brooklyn explains, introducing the two boys. “I wouldn’t call it babysitting.”

“Oh, cute.” Mandi says. She takes a closer look at Jonathan. “You know, he looks very familiar.”

“Really?” Brooklyn asks.

“Yeah, like I’ve seen him before. I just can’t put my finger on it.”

“Oh.” Brooklyn says. “Well, he’s no one famous.” She says, not exactly lying.

“Hmm...Anyways, Amanda and I saw you over here and just stopped by to say hey.”

“Okay. I’ll see you guys tomorrow at work. We really are short on time. We have to go get someone from the airport.” Brooklyn explains. “You guys done?” They nod. “Well, I’ll see you later. Gotta jet!”

“Bye Brooklyn.” Mandi says.

“Bye.” Amanda says. Amanda didn’t talk much as you could tell. It wasn’t because she was shy, but it was Mandi. Amanda was like Mandi’s sidekick. If Amanda wanted, she could easily pull herself from under Mandi’s shadow. She just needed a push.

An Hour and a Half Later...

Jonathan eagerly bounced up and down as he watched the people get off the plane. Brooklyn and Carlos stood nearby also looking out for the blonde-haired woman. A smile creeped onto Brooklyn’s face as she saw Lynn. “Here she comes, Jonathan.” The young boy’s eyes lit up.

“Hey sweetie!” Lynn exclaims kneeling down to her son with Steven on her hip. She embraces Jonathan in a hug.

“Have a nice trip?” Brooklyn asks Lynn as she stands up.

“Yes, I did. Justin did come to check on you, right?” Lynn asks, taking Jonathan by the hand after putting Steven down so he could walk. The five of them head towards luggage.

“You set that up?” Brooklyn asks.

“Of course I did. Justin couldn’t pull that off on his own.” Lynn says with a laugh.

“ may be right.”

“Jonathan wasn’t too much for you, was he?”

“No! Not at all, Aunt Lynn. Jonathan was fine.” Jonathan looks up at his mother and grins.

“That’s good! Your weekend went well, then.”

“Yeah, it did. No worries.”

Two Hours Later...

Justin had gotten into Virginia about half an hour ago. He is making his way to his room when Chris appears almost out of nowhere. “Chris, what are you doing?” Justin asks as Chris pulls him towards JC’s room.

“We’ve been waiting forever for you man!”

“But I haven’t been gone forever, Chris.” He groaned. Chris pulls him into JC’s room where everyone, including Johnny, is there. “What did I do?” Justin asks as Chris lets go of his arm.

“You didn’t do anything wrong,” Johnny assures him. “We’re talking about a new video for you guys. A new Christmas video.” He explains. “Sit down.” Justin takes a seat on the arm of the chair Lance is in.

“Hey.” Lance says. Justin gives him a small wave.

“Okay,” Johnny starts, “You guys have a choice between ‘Love’s in Our Hearts on Christmas Day’ or ‘I Never Knew the Meaning of Christmas’.”

“Why only those two?” Joey asks.

“Because those are the ones that there are video concepts for.” Johnny explains.

“Well, can we hear the concepts before we choose?” JC asks.

“Okay, well, ‘I Never Knew the Meaning of Christmas’ is what I’ll start with first. It’s concept is like this...” Johnny launches into what each video concept is while the guys listen patiently.

“So, what did you and Justin do this weekend?” Lynn asks Brooklyn who was cutting carrots. They are in the kitchen making dinner. The boys are in Jonathan’s room.

“Well, let’s see, first he snuck into the house, almost scaring me to death. We had pizza that night, um, the next day, we went on a picnic with Jonathan and Carlos, and I had to deal with some fans chasing Jonathan and that’s about it. We didn’t do much.”

“Oh, that’s good, that’s good. I remember when both you and Justin were younger. Joined at the hip almost.”

“Yeah.” Brooklyn says with a laugh. “We were. I remember when I was six I had a slumber party and begged Justin to come. He said, and I quote, ‘I’m not coming to a frilly girls’ party! I’d be the only boy!’ But he came anyway.” She says with a smile.

Lynn laughs, “And he also got attacked my your mom’s make-up.”

Brooklyn giggles and blushes, “I had nothing to do with that.”

“I know. I thought poor Justin would be scarred for life after that.”

“Nah. Now he has to wear make-up. It came with his job.” Brooklyn jokes.

“Yes, and he doesn’t have a choice.” Lynn agrees. “You’ve grown up so much, you know that?”

“Well, sort of. I kind of had to.” Brooklyn says. “Don’t get me wrong, though. I tease and torment Justin all the same.” She jokes.

The two children emerged from the separate rooms, and looked at each other in horror. It was Halloween of 1989 and the two were going trick-or-treating together with the boy’s father. “You’re a copycat!” The girl exclaims.

“No, you are!” The boy yells back.

“You are!”

“You are!”

“You are!”

“Brooklyn! Justin! Oh my, you two look so adorable!” Lynn exclaims, stopping the bickering pair. “Come, let the others see!” She takes their arms and pulls them into the living room where Brooklyn’s mom, Justin’s grandparents, and Justin’s dad are sitting on the couch. Many “that’s so cute” and “they look adorable” come from around the room.

“Say hi to the camera!” Justin’s grandfather exclaims, and points the camera towards them. He moves closer and so he could see them clearly. Justin and Brooklyn look at the camera and frown.

“Mom! Justin copied my costume!” Brooklyn exclaims, walking away from the camera lens. She walks into her mother’s arms.

“No, he didn’t, sweetie.” She says, reassuring the eight year old girl.

“Yes, he did. He’s wearing almost the same as me!” Brooklyn whines. Justin turns to her.

“Nuh-uh! You copied me.”

“Justin...and Brooklyn you didn’t copy anyone. We picked out your costumes and they look very cute.” Justin’s grandmother confesses.

“I don’t want to look like him.”

“I don’t want to look like her!”

“Well, I guess you don’t want to get candy either...” Justin’s dad says.

Brooklyn and Justin’s jaws drop, “No! We want to go!” They exclaim.

“Well, you’re going to have to deal with costumes then.” Justin and Brooklyn were both sailors. Justin had on a white sailor hat with a little bit of his curly hair sticking out of the front. His suit was light blue and he had plain white tennis shoes on. Brooklyn was dressed the same except instead of pants, she had on a skirt that stopped right above her knee. They looked almost like they could be brother and sister.

“Okay.” Brooklyn says with a sigh.

“Fine.” Justin says. They are quiet for a second. “Now, let’s go!”

“So, who’s the girl in the video going to be, huh?” Joey asks.

“I swear, if we use Kim again...” Chris starts.

“It’s definitely not going to be Kim.” Justin reassured him. They are shooting the video a little while after the guys got back from their Thanksgiving holiday. The girl in the video is supposed to be supposed to be Justin’s girlfriend. He was supposed to come visit for Christmas, but got held back. That’s when the idea came to him. “I have an idea!” He exclaims. “They’re going to have to change the concept a little, though.”

More Than a Friend

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