Chapter Four: Reagan

That Night...

“Hey Rea, tell me if this is comfortable.” Tyra says from the hall. The two girls had persuaded Kiara and Tonia to let them stay at the hotel during the concert. They were scheming on what they could do so the guys little “prank night” would in fact be turned around on them. Reagan walks out into the hall. “Ta da!” Tyra exclaims.

“Okay, now, what is it?” After everyone had left, they had found some ropes in a storage closet carelessly left open. Tyra had criss-crossed the ropes using the doorknob to tie them on.

“Instant hammock.” Tyra says, obviously proud. “Just throw a blanket on this baby. Total relaxation.”

“Wouldn’t the doorknobs break off?”

“I never thought about that. Hmm...It still prevents the guys from getting out. Help me untie these things.” Reagan reaches over to the nearest door and begins helping her friend with the ropes.

“Are you sure this’ll work?”

“Of course I’m sure!” Tyra exclaims. “Look, since the doors will be connected by the ropes diagonally, and the door open to the inside, then if one person tries to open it then it’s just not happening. They can’t get out ‘til we let ‘em.” She gives Reagan an evil grin.

“This is so bad.”

“Sometimes the even the jokers need a joke.” Tyra says, slinging the ropes over her shoulder and walking back towards Reagan.

“So, we get sleep. Now, don’t we need to untie them, though?”

“We are. We have to get up before everyone in order to pull it off completely. That someone meaning Kiara and my mom.” The girls go back into Tyra’s room.

“Don’t worry about Kiara, she’s got Brett to deal with.” Reagan raises her eyebrows up and down playfully.

“Man, if I had a boyfriend, and he was like that, then DAMN, I’d blow this off.”

“Well, it’s nice to know that you’d ditch me.” Reagan says, pretending to be sad.

“If I had a boyfriend like that, we wouldn’t have to deal with prank night. There would be no reason for me to ditch you.”

“Nice save.”

“I try.”

JC was tired during the concert. Not physically, though. Physically, JC was his normal self. Dancing and giving the concert his all, just as he should. He couldn’t disappoint the fans because of something happening to him personally. They did nothing to let him down. Kiara was on his mind the entire time he was on that stage.

Kiara had never gotten a hold on JC. It was like he was avoiding her. Sure, she did see him during costume changes, but they didn’t speak to one another. She really wanted JC to meet Brett. All the other guys seemed to like him. Kiara and JC had always gotten along. Why he was avoiding her, she didn’t know. Then again, she could be jumping to conclusions. He may be busy and that’s why she hadn’t got a hold of him.

As the group got to the end of “Bye, Bye, Bye”, JC knew he would have to face the music. Kiara was going to catch up with him soon, which was something he couldn’t stop. He would just have to suck it up and push his feelings aside. Kiara was in fact with someone and it wasn’t him. It wasn’t like he could tell her whom she had to be with. Pushing her to dump her boyfriend for him just wasn’t an option, and though he was a little jealous, he certainly was not going to be selfish about it. Kiara was her own woman and she made her own choices about her love life. Her and no one else.

Reagan and Tyra are sitting in the private dining area reserved only for *N Sync and their crew in the hotel. The two girls had just sat down and started eating. “About what time do we need to get up to untie those ropes?” Reagan asks, biting her celery stick.

“Probably four.” Tyra says, nonchalantly.

“Four as in, in the morning?” Reagan asks, wide-eyed.

“Of course, silly! We’re leaving at five-thirty. Actually, four is pushing it. We better make it three thirty.”

“I hope you have fun. I’m dead to the world at three thirty.”

“I’m just playin’ girl! If we untie them at four then Lonnie and the guys won’t catch us. If we get caught, we’re screwed.” A commotion in the hallway lets the girls know that everyone else was coming. “We’ll talk later. I’ll tell you what happens if we get caught.” Reagan nods as Chris comes through the door.

“Hey girls, miss us much?” He asks, going over to the food on a separate table.

“Not really.” Tyra responds.

“Well, don’t I feel loved. You guys missed a good show.” He says, coming over and sitting across from Tyra.

“We had other things to do.” Tyra says.

“Hmm...What kind of other things?” Justin asks, taking a seat next to Reagan.

“Not that kind of other stuff, genius. There are no booty calls.” Tyra answers.

“Whatever. That’s not true. I have booty calls all the time in the hotel.” Chris says. Everyone at the table looks at him strangely. Lance, who was just about to sit down next to him, moves down a seat.

“I don’t even want to know where that came from.” He says.

“Where what came from?” JC asks, coming over and sitting next to Tyra.

“Chris is sharing his ‘booty call’ stories.” Justin says with a grin.

“I’ll pass.” JC says, and then turns to Tyra. “Hey Ty. Hey Reagan.”

“Hey.” The two girls say in unison. Joey walks over and sits between Lance and Chris at the rectangular table.

“You should’ve been at the concert, Lance bust his ass.” Joey says with a laugh. Lance’s face flushes.

“Oh yeah!” Chris exclaims. “I forgot that happened. Lancey sure did. But was it one of the falls that’ll have you laughing for hours? No, Lance did it with so much grace...” Chris gets up from his seat and begins to dance around like a ballerina, then falls in slow motion. Lance rolls his eyes as the others laugh at Chris’s antics.

“Whoa, Chris. When did you start taking ballet, buddy?” Tonia says, walking over and sitting in one of the chairs on the end. She sat between Justin and Lance. Chris sits back in his seat, not answering her question. The last ones to sit down are Kiara and Brett. Kiara takes the seat across from JC and next to Chris while Brett says in the remaining chair on the end.

“Hi everyone.” Kiara says. Tyra stares at Brett, chewing her food slowly. Reagan giggles and snaps her friend back into reality. “By the way, JC,” Kiara starts and JC looks up at her from his plate, “This is Brett, my boyfriend.”

“Hi.” Brett says, holding out his hand.

“Hey, how’s it goin’.” JC says, shaking it.

“Kiara has told me so much about you guys. Especially you.” JC looks at Kiara strangely.

“What? There’s a lot to say.” Different conversations are drifting around the table. Tyra and Justin are talking and Reagan says a few things here and there. Lance and Tonia are talking about Lance’s management company while Chris and Joey are talking about nothing in particular.

“Uh-huh. long are you going to be here?” JC says, picking at the food on his plate with his fork, hoping it wasn’t long.

“I can only stay for a week before getting back to business.”

“He works for a travel agency.” Kiara adds.

“Oh.” JC says, looking at his plate. All of a sudden, he wasn’t too hungry. “I’m going to go to my room. I’ll see you later.” JC says, getting up.

“Oh, okay. Bye JC.” Kiara says. Reagan had already gotten up and left. No one noticed she was gone except Justin and Tyra. JC walks to the door, tossing the plate into the trash on his way out.

Just as JC is about to slip his key into the door, he can hear someone playing a guitar a few doors down. Curious, he walks in the direction of the music, which is coming from Kiara’s room. The door is left open so he looks into the room. Reagan is sitting on the bed, guitar in hand. JC watches her and leans against the doorframe. She begins to sing the words to the song, which sound very familiar.

A mind can sure get weary
The way things come undone
And a heart that’s overrun

You keep hoping things will get better
That you’ll find a way through it all
You must hold on to what you believe
When the sky’s about to fall

So keep hanging on
The hands of time just keep turning ‘round
There’s no telling where you’ll find
The strength to climb
So just stand your ground
All through the night
‘Til you can see the light
Keep hanging on for dear life

A spirit can get battered
As you journey down the years
And if dreams were all that mattered
You’d be miles away from here

Just keep thinking things will be different
That you’ll find a place in the sun
Hold your head up high in that stormy sky
And the change will surely come

So keep hanging on
The hands of time just keep turning ‘round
There’s no telling where you’ll find
The strength to climb
So just stand your ground
All through the night
‘Til you can see the light
Keep hanging on for dear life

Never you mind what you’ve been told
Someday you’ll have all the love one heart can hold

So keep hanging on
The hands of time just keep turning ‘round
There’s no telling where you’ll find
The strength to climb
So just stand your ground
All through the night
‘Til you can see the light
Keep hanging on for dear life
©1992 Mickey Mouse Club

Reagan looks up as she finishes and jumps. “How long have you been there?” She asks JC.

“Long enough to know that you’ve got some talent.” Reagan feels a blush rise to her cheeks. JC walks into the room. “Mickey Mouse Club, right?” She nods. “I knew it.”

“I didn’t see you there.”

“I know. I heard you playing when I came up here. You have a great voice.”

“Thanks.” Silence takes over the room for a few seconds.

“Can I ask you something?” JC asks, sitting on the bed across from her. Reagan sets the guitar on the bed, and nods. “Are Kiara and Brett in a serious relationship?”

“Somewhat, but not really.”

Just as JC is about to say something, someone calls from the hall, “JC!”

JC gives Reagan an apologetic look. “Sorry, I have to go.” He says standing up.


“You should really talk more.” He says, stopping at the door. “And keep singing. You’ve got a really good voice.”

“Thanks.” JC smiles and walks out.

A minute later, Tyra comes running into the room. “Reagan! Come here! We really have to talk.” She grabs Reagan’s hand and pulls her down the hall towards her room. She pushes open the door and pushes Reagan inside. Tyra closes the door after she’s in there.

“Dude, where’s the light switch?” Reagan asks.

“It’s right here.” Tyra turns on the light. “Oh, damn...oh, SHIT!”

Fifteen Minutes later...

Tonia walks down to Kiara’s room and knocks on the door. A few seconds later, Kiara opens it. “Hey Tonia.”

“Um, KiKi, have you seen Tyra anywhere?”

“Not since we first came up here from dinner.”

“She’s not here with Reagan?” Tonia asks. Kiara looks at her, puzzled.

“Reagan’s not here...either.” Kiara turns around to Brett, who is sitting on the bed watching TV. “Baby, have you seen Reagan or Tyra?” He looks at her and shakes his head no. “Oh my God. Um, well, they’re both mature young ladies. Maybe they’re looking around the hotel. If they aren’t back in ten minutes, come get me.”

“Damnit! I know you can hear me!” Tyra screams, beating on the door. “How did we get here?” She asks, looking around the storage closet.

“Well, I don’t know, Tyra. Maybe you pulled me in here.” Reagan says from her spot against the wall.

“Oh shut up and come help me.” Reagan gets up and the two girls start beating on the door. “How can they not hear us?!”

Justin turns his stereo up louder and turns up the bass. “Are the walls shaking yet?” He asks Chris, who is pressed against the wall.

“Yeah, leave it there.” Chris says with a grin.

“Y’all are crazy. Someone is going to come up here.” Lance says from his spot on one of the beds. Chris plops down next to him.

“So?” JC and Joey are in the other room. JC seems a little down about something and Joey is taking a shower. All of a sudden, someone comes knocking loudly on the door.

“Told you.” Lance says. Justin hurriedly turns off the stereo while Chris opens the door.

“Hey KiKi!” He exclaims.

“You guys need to turn that down. I’m sure the ‘Thong Song’ is so great, but please.”

“I told them not to do it.” Lance says.

“It was Lance’s fault!” Justin exclaims.

“I’m sure it was. You guys haven’t seen Reagan or Tyra anywhere, huh?” Kiara asks.

“No, but I did see Tyra dragging Reagan down the hall about twenty-five minutes ago.” Justin says. “You can’t find them?” Kiara shakes her head, worried.

“Well, we gotta find them!” Chris says. “Prank night is cancelled.” He whispers to Lance. “Let’s go!”

“Now what are we gonna do?” Reagan asks, sliding down against the door.

“I don’t know about you, but I refuse to stay in here.” Tyra says, leaning against the wall of the small room.

“Well, by now, they have to realize that we’re gone.”

“Or maybe they haven’t.”

“Keep yourself on the optimistic side. There has to be some good in this.”

“Um, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, Ms. Rogers, but we’re stuck in a storage closet.”

“You do have a point. This sucks.” Reagan says.

“Do you have any idea where they are?” Tonia asks.

“Oh my gosh, I can hear your mom, Tyra.”

“You can?” Tyra hurries over to the door.

“Nope, but Justin said he did see them on this floor.” Kiara says.

“And I hear KiKi!” Tyra says, cheering up. She looks at Reagan as she stands up. “You know what to do.” Reagan nods with a smile. “MOM! KIKI!” Tyra screams as the girls bang on the door. “MOM!”

“MOM!” A voice is heard from down the hall. Tonia, Kiara, Justin, Chris, and Lance turn towards the sound.

“You guys hear that too?” Tonia asks and they nod.


“That’s the girls.” Kiara says. “WHERE ARE YOU?!” Kiara yells, as they walk in the direction the voice is coming from.


“The storage closet? What the hell?” Chris says. They hurry to the closet.

Lance tries to open the door. “It’s locked.” He says.

“What the HELL do you mean it’s locked?” Tyra says from inside.

“It locks when the door is closed. I’ll go get someone.” Justin says, and runs back towards the elevator.

“Girls, Justin is going to go get someone to get you out so hold tight.” Kiara says.

“Okay, Kiara.” Reagan responds. A few minutes later, Justin returns with someone who works at the hotel. He opens the door and lets the girls out.

“Finally!” Tyra exclaims.

“Thank you so much.” Tonia says to the man.

“No problem.” He responds and leaves.

“I want to know how you got stuck in the storage closet in the first place.” Tonia says as the seven of them walk back down the hall.

“Well...” Reagan starts.

“It’s a long story.” Tyra says.

“We have time.” Kiara says. Everyone stares at the girls, waiting for their answer.

“It was totally Lance’s fault.” Tyra says and Chris bursts out laughing.

“Wha- -how is this my fault?” Lance asks.

“Lance, my friend, you do everything.” Tyra says, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Actually, we go stuck in there by a careless mistake. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going and I pulled Reagan in there on accident.”

“Oh, okay.” Tonia says.

“See, I always tell you that you need to pay more attention.” Justin chides.

“Oh, shut up, Justin. Shut up, go to your room, and go to sleep.” Tyra says, lightly pushing him. “You’re going to be so cranky in the morning.”

Chapter Five


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