BONSOIR!! oops i mean BONJOUR!!!

WELCOME to another edition on Ah huh. We have approached Ah huh 5 *gasps* Oh no! the fifth one, what eva has this world come too. hehehe
I've come to the conclusion i have matured!! HA! I am so damn proud of myself. I HAVE MATURED!! i'm not immature anymore YAY! well not as immature and you have to agree with me on that one, right? right? Good, we've got that settled then. =)
Anyhow, hi! =) i'm having one of those inspiration fits or spasms in my head again. Like i've just been watching some UFO documentry and it got me thinking, not more of thinking more of imagining, then straight aftawards i started watching Final Destination,*NOTE* oooh thats a gotta see movie! quite good really!. Anyhoe like i was saying it got my head into some weird thing. Like it is obvious that aliens do exist man, you don't need a genius to figure that out. but all the ignorant and stubborn ppl who choose not believe it know that deep in there hearts that there is something out there. And then something else came to my head, Aliens should not come in contact with us! cause like its typical human nature to fear something they don't know about or be curious, then become threatened, then they'd want to exterminate, destroy or take over cause "its for the best" (someones bound to think like that), then suddenly theres a war! HA! starship troopers! yeh i watched that too. But then again, Aliens could have the same way of thinking as we do and try take over us and that would lead to war, everything leads to a huge arguement eventually cause "history repeats itself"

Wow that was some deep thinking i got going there. Aliens and shit all. I like that theory, and i believe there is some truth in there somewhere.
But i'm not going to dwell on that right now, i'll save that for later. I think one of the most interesting intellectual converstation to have is one that discusses human behaviour as it all quite fascinating, cause like no one is the same so u have a variety to compare and talk about, and plus theres urself.
Damn whats up with me and deep thought these days? is my brain actually functioning properly OMG!! *gasp* is it true, could it be, is it me? No wait, yes, no, maybe, i don't know! can u repeat the question, ur not the boss of me now! ur not the boss of me now! ur not the boss of me now! and ur not so big! we are the filippinos! we are the filippinos! we are the filippinos! and we're not that big! life is unfair.....

WOW again, went from serious and broke into a song. damn it.
oooooooo i've realised something so insignificant that i'm not even gonna mention it. lol Isn't that just really annoying when someone brings something up and that gets ur attention then tells you they can't tell you, or even worse when there in the middle of telling u something then all of a sudden goes "no wait, i can't tell you that" and its like HEY! you can't do that, u started so now you must finish. but they don't tell you anyhow, and your left wondering what it could be, then it starts eating at you till you forget. and when u do forget, its suddenly brought up again. DON'T U JUST HATE THAT!! but isn't it fun to do it to others though. hehehe nah thats just mean.

ME la ME la ME la o la o la o la o la eek eeg eek eeg eek eeg doom doo doom doo doom
Now breathe. Now wasn't that fun? yes? hehehehe

BOOO!! *screams* runs off!
5 minutes later...
Urgh....i wasn't scared. NO.... i was airing out my lungs and practising for my sprint relay.....yes.....that's it.....lungs......relay. =D
so its all good.