Name: Charmane

Middle name: not got one

Last name: .......

Height: not tall

Nicknames: mane, poochy, moo

Birthday: Everyday

Email: (msn add too), like if you will mail me. This is only here for decoration. lol

Hair Color: Yup

Eye Color: two

Siblings: me bro

Lives: originally from Uranus then i moved to Mars, then somehow ended up on earth.

Was born: yes i was born, if i wasn't then i don't think i'd be an oddchic now would i?

Fav Music Band/artist: not got one

Fav Songs: not got one

Favorite TV shows: buffy, Friends, the simpsons, that 70s show the list goes on

you need way more info thingees to write on so i'll just write a whole lot of this to add on.

Fav sport: rugby baby!! ones i can actually play would be badminton, soccer, cricket, hockey...etc

Biggest Fear: everything that scares me. eg. scary people

Fave Season: Summer

Favourite food: Chicken, grapes, lollies anything the dentist doesn't allow. =)

One thing you want to do before you die: Sky Diving, but if i die before i am able to do so, I want them to throw my coffin(with my body inside) out of an airplane, with a parachute of course or things would get pretty messy if they don't. But it would be funny seeing my body fly out of the coffin, what would be even more funny if it landed on someone or someplace where some one sees it, it's definitely give them one hell of a fright. I'll be laughing in heaven or where ever my soul happens to be. lol. =)

Fave Number: 4

what else to say, i have a short memory span, and i tend to wonder off in my own little world again (for those who don't know the term i'm referring to is daydreaming. lol)

i love to have a good laugh at least once a day about anything, sometimes even nothing.

i love dolphins !!!!! and if i'm not human in my next life time i'd love to be a dolphin, at least then i can swim. (if u want to know about dolphins, click on the pic)

Star Sign: the fish

Fave Kind of Movie: It really depends on the mood I'm in. BUT i love horrors, whatever mood i'm in.

Fave Quote: This a quote my dad told me when i was 5 and i wouldn't eat my dinner:

"If you don't drink, you don't pee, if you don't eat, you don't shit, if you don't shit you die."

It worked too, i ate my dinner as quick as i could, I didn't want to die. lol. I still love that saying, but it doesn't work anymore, just in case u wanted to know.

Fave Saying: BITE ME!!!!! but not too hard. lol

Fave vacation spot: anywhere near the sea of the beach, with a lot of theme parks and shopping mall. Just like Surface Paradice.

Fave quote from a movie:
"I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast!"
"You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?"
- from Happy Gilmore

Future Career: is there any jobs where u get paid a lot for doing nothing?? well if there is that'll be it.

well i guess i'm a pretty normal person, even though i'm an oddchic. well u can say i'm a lot more normal-er than the others. yaaa yaaa, ummmm, oh yeh, i'm filo from filo, or have i already mentioned that?

Umm what to say about moi, what else do u want to know, what else is there to know about me???? is there more to know about me? actually yes there is, but that kind of info i wouldn't want to put on the net. ok i've just answered my own question.