I’m alone once again,
Blinded by the darkness surrounding me.
The silence choking me.
As the life force with in me
Slowly evaporates

Hungry voltures smile down at me,
As they see their dinner
Waiting for the right time
To feast on my body

Trickle of blood rolls down my face
Like a drop of water down a sink.
Forcing, fighting for my life.
Not a soul in sight to help
With my struggle to survive

A sudden blinding light appears
Unknown voices are heard.
Footsteps thudding towards my lifeless body
A smile forms on my discarded face
As the sign of hope appears

The smile quickly fades
The footsteps become distant.
Not even taking any notice
Of my body lying there.
Walked passed like I didn’t exsist.

Tears roll down my cheeks
As my only hope disappears
With a click of a finger
Death is upon me
Hovering over me like the fog
I’m alone once again………