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No ____ Place

Once Upon A Time, which really wasn't any sort of time at all and we aren't sure just when this no time happened since the people of this lack of time did not like clocks. They found the concept of Time quite boring. Although they didn't find it, rather, saw it from a distance and decided they didn't like it for some small reason as people are wont to do.

This No Time Place, or actually No ____ Place, was just down the street and around the corner from you. Bet you didn't know that, did you? That's alright, no one ever does. Even if you tore your potato ass from the tv long enough to walk just down the street and around the corner, No ____ Place would still be just down the street and around the corner, since it's always just down the street and around the corner. If you could resist the pull of that brainwashing box you love so much to keep looking, you'd find yourself going in circles and possibly getting a little angry. And people would see you were mad. Crazy, even. Of course, you're as sane as I am.

Now suppose you could get to No ____ Place, which you can't, just remember that. Suppose you went just down the street and around the corner and there was No ____ Place. You'd probably expect to see something pretty neat, spectacular even. Since I'm telling you about this No ____ Place there must be some reason for me do do so, right? There has to be a point, right?
