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18:09 04/07/01
Live, From Cork:
                          I'm BAAAKKKK. 
                          Who's Off to Reading?

Howerya. Well, me and france didn't agree. No jobs plus the bastard heat and millions of moskitos means i'm ome again... Ah well, had a great time, met loads of cool people, drank shedloads, didn't get any tan.... Mad time though.........

Who's Off to Reading?.
Cos i am. I just saw the line up a few days ago and it was one of the more contributing factors in my return. Shit, what a line up. Trail of dead, Amen, Rocket From The Crypt, Capdown, Good Riddance, Travis, Green Day, Fun Lovin Crims, Mogwai, Ash, Eminem, Marilyn Manson, Queens Of The Stone Age, Mouldy Peaches, Arab Strap..... The list goes on.... So, if your going, drop me line and we can hook up......

15:44 21/06/01
Live, From France:
                          Johnny 5 is Alive.

Johnny 5 is Alive.
Yeah, so i missed out on an update before i left.... What can i do... Some day i'll make it up. All it was gonna sat was to buy the fairuza CD, so go to their stylish site and get it off them, no doubt its price is inversely proportional to its greatness. Anyway, france is cool, but i gotta go again, these internet cafés dont pay for themselves y'know (in fact, in an effert to get you to stay longer they put the keys in the wrong places so you have to spend longer typing so they get more money. Smart fuckers!!!) C-ye...

01:29 06/06/01
Because we're off to france tomorrow:
                          Fairuza are d sheeit.

Fairuza are d sheeit.
My second to last update before i bugger off to work on my tan and eat french bread is now up, the interview with Fairuza that i've been promising for so long now. Highly reccomended is the dual action of reading the interview and checking out their stylish site. I will hopefully be continuing to do as much as i can for this band when i get back, as i think they are excellent and deserve anything they can get (with the exception of a death sentence). While putting together some CDs for france, Fairuza was the first i included, even though its only three tracks. Check the page, e-mail the bastards, get the cd off them and you'll see what i mean. Review in the morning hopefully.

01:29 06/06/01
Because we're off to france nezt week:
                          Please take over.

Please Take Over
Next week, i'm off to france to work all summer, so i need people to take over. What i'm looking for is people to write reviews, interviews and columns, and a person to pass on MP3 links. All the stuff can be sent to my e-mail addy and i'll put it up while i'm away. Please, if you can even spell your name, send me a sample,a nd if its good, you can send stuff regularly, and who knows, you may even get a few cds for your troubles.... So far i have two columnists and a reviewer, so hopefully i'll start getting stuff from them soon.