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By Christopher Montgomery

The beta-gamma/UFO evidence

Dear friends;

I had discovered this case from the Condon investigations. It involves a man driving an automobile into what was potentially a field generated by a UFO. This case (number 39) was investigated by Craig, who later went on to continue investigating UFOs and writing about his research after the Condon committee was disbanded by the Blue Book recommendation.

What I find particularly interesting about this case, was the slightly elevated gamma radiation. This would seem to me that there is evidence of some form of fusion power beeing employed, as low gamma readings are a classic characteristic of cold-fusion (FIRE FROM ICE-Malove).

Here is some of the evidence that investigator Craig had found:

"Several areas were noted where the paint was extremely thin, particularly along body ridges and on an area about six by 12 in. on the left side of the hood. Pitting of the paint was evident in this and other areas of the hood. The pitting of the paint was fairly extensive; it appeared to the investigator to be the result of long-term corrosion. On the whole, the paint condition was not unusual for a four-year-old car. As for the thinness of paint, an automobile dealer has pointed out that it is not unusual to receive a car from the factory with a spot almost entirely missed in the painting operation.

"The back window, which was said to have been only three months old, did exhibit areas of sharp distortion. Its appearance was almost identical with that of the back window in another 1964 Chrysler convertible that was examined later on a used car lot. Perhaps the witness' window was newer than the one with which it was compared; but it had been subjected to summer use in an area where temperatures of 120° or more are common..."

A mirror site has been set up to facilitate further study of this interesting case, involving the gamma/beta ray evidence

Please note;
I have found strong evidence of a slight increase in radioactivity over background counts in and around areas where UFOs have been witnessed in an ongoing basis. This is also reported on a regular basis by other reporting centers (UFO Italy, recent) Some of that evidence was presented on a TV talk show that I had appeared on at KATU, Portland, OR; specifically, enlarged, mis-shapen and genetically altered leaves on trees in areas where UFOs have been seen. I don't remember where I placed that photo, but it is on the UFORCE web site.

I would hope for some input from you on this case. It is probably a case that you are familiar with, and if not, should be. I would welcome anyone's comment on this case, contact me at

Thank you
UFOscience moderator
Investigator Montgomery

UFORCE would like to thank NCAS for thier contribution of the COndon Report; specifically case #39 which is just some of the gamma ray evidence that Condon's investigators found while hunting for the UFO Evidence.

See also our link to Einstein's theory of relativity


CONDON, CASE #39 can be found at

_______________A WHITE KNIGHT PRODUCTION_______________

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