More Nick DeLeon mystery but not the same hardboil

Like Charleston, Nicks pals & enemies have their own stories, deceits, voices and lives. Dark whispered aspects ...
I'm tryn' ta listen. From horror ta romance, hardboil to fantasy tell ya what I hear. These are the characters:
Ben Hricko: Isle of Palms eco-perv, technophile, womanizer & pirate who knows the song ...
Tony Vitalle: SOB broker, rough customer, got pals break yer leg him too
Sargent Bowers: Nicks partner, and 'twin' in a parallel universe; not TOO parallel
Sammy 'the-mole' Levine: ballsy, low-life Charleston PI likes ta 'watch'
Saul Davidson: runs a Market Street boin and casino. Jerrys pal and partner
Ibn-Ali aka Jerry-the-Arab: arch-villian, Hrickos nemesis. A bad man to know the truth
Unlike Nick's narration, these stories display as single page pure text. No pics, mouse-over, sounds or scroll-box.
So Nicky sez pull up your lounge, pour a Turkey ... burn the Camel. Pick a voice. Nicky's heard it all - your turn now.
...OR jump-to Nick's own MULTIMEDIA narration