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Low Rates

We've all heard dispointing reports on the recent downturn on the internet dot.coms. That being said, we feel that the internet remains a great tool for entertainment, education and commerce.

However, the net is just one of many methods for acheiving any or all of the above.

We can avoid disappointment if we have a realistic goal for what the internet can do for us.

As an advertising tool, we can reach an extended customer base, outside the neighborhood which we're located. Those of us who don't drive by your place of business or don't have time to read the newspaper, might be touched by your ad on the internet. Perhaps you simply use the net to re-inforce your message.

Advertising on the internet, realistically, is as useful as having a presence in the yellow pages in the phone book.

The internet should be a part of your advertising plan-not the answer to all your advertising needs.

Our advertising rates are so low, we proudly post them! Actually, we publish the RenoDaze Magazine mostly for the love of the job.

$10.00 per month to post your business card.
Save $20.00 by committing to 12 months; only $100.00-payable in 2 monthly installments-the first payment initiates your posting and the second installment due thirty days thereafter. We don't invoice-just a reminder phone call or an email.

Post 2 photos in addition to your business card for only $3.00 per month. While we have no minimums on this, we'd prefer a committment of 2 months (that's only an additional $6.00)or more since the camera, processing and travel expenses are a consideration.

A word about commitments-we are informal by nature. Your word is good enough for us. God knows I don't have time to argue-and especially about ten or twenty dollars!

Advertorial Rates: Advertorials are a cross between an editorial and an advertisement. They are clearly marked as a paid advertisement, but are an indepth report on your business and include several photos. Our rate for an advertorial is $20.00 per month. If you choose to commit to 12 months, we offer a ten percent discount. That's only $216.00 per year-a savings of $24.00!

Payment in 2 monthly installments is due- 1/2 to initiate your advertorial and 1/2 thirty days thereafter.

In the event the second installment is unpaid, a $60.00 cancellation fee for writing the advertorial, posting and photos will be deducted from the payment of the first installment and the remaining cash returned to the advertisor and the transaction is cancelled.

To arrange for photographs and design of your ad, call voice mail at 673-2838 or email me at

Only after calling or emailing me to arrange details, payment should be made to:

M & S Nursery, 4937 Hoover Road, Golden Valley, AZ, 86401.

One point we need to address: RenoDaze is focused on PEOPLE! Not big business! We prefer working with small business owners who want to be creative and innovative! Building a business should be fun and exciting-and we hope to help you!
Don't forget to visit "Dilbert" while you're here...

Thank you for visiting RenoDaze.

Dandi, Chief Hobbiest at M & S Nursery
