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Wildflower Garden

Jo and Dick Belmont have their landscaping project down cold. Displaying a huge assortment of wildflowers in their front yard, Jo and Dick explain that their garden is low maintenance and high yield. Their garden offers a feeling of seclusion-a world apart from city life.

When we met recently to talk about their prolific planting project, I couldn’t help but notice the pair’s enthusiasm. I could understand why since their front yard garden is so colorful and interesting.

“ We Love clover!” Dick declared. “Clover blooms draw bees and birds. When we planted clover, we thought at first, the seeds didn’t take. Then we learned that clover takes 2 years to come into bloom.”

Looking for the clover, which the Belmonts have used as a ground cover, I noticed the strawberries planted high in the center of the yard and the yarrow blooming to my left. In a hubbub of activity, birds were chirping all over the place. Bird seed was placed in strategic places around the garden and a bird feeder was hanging from a tree situated near the statuary bird bath.

There were large clumps of echinacea and daisies standing waist high, all in bloom and small delicate blue flowers that I couldn’t identify. Shade trees and pines were intermingled within and along the perimeters of the garden. Wildflowers at different stages of maturity were everywhere. I wondered about water.

“The canopy formed by the plants themselves keeps the ground moist for long periods of time. Our trees take the most watering. We never have to re-plant because the garden is self-seeding”; Jo revealed.

“We collect seeds from everywhere to add variety. We always have a few “baggies” with us”; Jo chuckled. “We just drop seeds in the soil, if they come up, great! Some seeds don’t so come up, so we try again another time.”

Dick commented, “Something is in bloom all spring, summer and fall. During winter months, the evergreens dominate.”

I watched a butterfly linger among the blooms and began to understand the real aspects of this garden. It wasn’t just the blooms or the outdoors activity that drew the Belmonts to this project. While some of us have outdoor b-b-q's to entertain our friends and loved ones, the Belmonts entertain nature!

”Come one! Come all” their garden calls! Birds, bees, and butterflies! Everyone is welcome! This color-filled collection of blooms calls their friends like a dinner bell!

Just then Dick confirmed my thoughts: “We use about 50 lbs of birdseed a week! We could use more!”

Jo explained “We subscribe to a magazine called Birds and Blooms. It has great ideas and that’s how we began the garden”.
