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Writings 3

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Whats The Point?

I asked some guy for a cigarette and this was his reply: "When was the last time you had a dayjob?" "A couple months ago." "What happened?" "I quit." "Why?" "Cuz Im irresposible and couldn't get up early in the morning." "Do you do drugs?" "No." At this point he got very angry and started yelling. "Guess what Ive had all my life- a job! Guess what I am right now- retired! I'll be damned if I give you a single red cent! Get out of my face now!" I stood and looked at him in disbelief for a second. Then he got up in my face. "Get out of my face NOW or I will drop you so quick!" This guy looked at least 70 years old. I was completely bewildered that he would even try to pick a fight. I moved out of his way. The cops would kill me if they picked me up for fighting with an old man. They'd get off on it. Im not at all lazy. Im just not motivated to be the slave of some corporate employer. I will not heed their every demand! I am not irresposible at all. I would be up at the crack of dawn to do something I want to do. Its bad enogh that the corporations rule us in every physical sense but they also rule everyones mind. Being their embloyee is the most direct example. When they tell you to jump, you jump. When they tell me to jump, I say fuck em and go back to bed. Im gonna get by in life without working a job I hate. You struggle to meet their demands, I struggle not to. I'll meet my own demands. This man is miserable because he wasted his days working for The Man. Full time slave- 40 hours a week. The whole time earning money with no time left to spend it or to enjoy what you spend it on. Whats the point?

Activist Lenard Clark might be dead by the time you read this. He's a black 13-year-old from Chicago who, according to authorities, sustained massive head injuries after being attacked last week by three white teenagers. They are alleged to have pulled the child from his bike, slammed his head into a wall and kicked him repeatedly, later bragging that they wanted to "take care of the niggers in the neighborhood". Frank Caruso, 18, Victor Jasas, 17, and Michael Kwidzinski, 19, were captured after neighborhood residents (many of them white) helped police mount a search. Prosecutors asked for $1 million bail for each of the alleged attackers; a judge set them free on TOTAL bail of $350,000. Meantime, Lenard Clark languishes in a coma.

Just Another Word
by David Kennedy

Freedom to wear what you want
What you wear is inappropriate
Freedom to show love
Its not the time or place
Freedom to express your opinion
Im right you're wrong
Freedom to do what?
Freedom is just another word.
