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So Little Time: Episode 3

(In the kitchen)

(Chloe is sitting at the table)

Manuelo: Good morning.

Chloe: (tired) Looking forward to gym class. Climbing the ropes, running laps, taking showers in front of my peers. (groaning, then cheers up) Nothing gets better than that.

(Manny holding a bowl)

(Riley walks in limping)

Manuelo: Good morning.

Riley: (tired) Am I dressed?

Chloe: Yeah.

Riley: I was up all night studying.

Manuelo: What are you studying for?

Riley: Algebra or Home Ec. (thinks) That can't be good.

(Macy walks in, also tired)

Manuelo: Good morning. (hands glass to Macy)

Macy: (sits beside Chloe) I'm three days behind on my dead line, I cut my leg shaving, and I'm retaining water.

Manuelo: Why do I feel like I'm a guest on "The View"?

Riley: (Reaches for the cereal and starts shaking it)

(Manny grabs a spoon and starts tapping)

(They all join in, and make music out the door.)

Manuelo: (smiling) Another morning I didn't have to make breakfast.

Opening Credits

(At their lunch table in the cafeteria)

Chloe: (to a customer) Hat, $15. And remember, all proceeds go to the school band. Those new spit valves don't come cheap. (He hands the money over, and leaves)

Riley: (with a microphone) Larry, are you ready?

Larry: Kick it!

(Riley turns on the boom box, Larry comes out modeling)

Riley: What is the happening dolphin fan wearing this season? Here's Larry smelling like Teen spirit. (sniffing) . . . And cheese. (pause) Right here, pretty in gray and blue, this ensemble can be bought at your student store.

(Later-Larry has an umbrella and different outfit with hat)

Chloe: And what about the rainy season? Check out the latest in hooded parkas. And I know what you're thinking. Is it waterproof?

(Chloe throws a bucket of water on Larry)


(Later on)

Riley: So how'd we do?

Chloe: (counting the money in the cashdrawer) Over 200.00.

Riley: Great. Let's lock it up and put it in Mrs. Westmore's office.

(Larry walking like a model)

Riley: Hey, you don't have to walk that way anymore, Larry.

Larry: You can't jus turn this on and off, okay?

(Chloe and Riley give each other weird looks)


(In their bedroom)

Chloe: (runs in the room and throws down her backpack) You will not believe who's giving a concert tomorrow at the Staple Center? Plaque!

Riley: Plaque! Oh, my God. They're New Jersey's hottest boy band.

Chloe: I know. He's opening up for some guy named Springsteen.

Riley: Who?

Chloe: I don't know. But there are still tickets left.

Riley: How much?

Chloe: $75 a pop.

Riley: Ugh. Expensive. We'll have to pull our money. How much you got?

Chloe: $27 dollars.

Riley: What do you do with all your money?

Chloe: Get neccesities. Remember when I bought that really great thing to put beads on my clothes?

Riley: Yeah. And then you had to spend money to get those real expensive beads off your clothes.

Chloe: Yeah, and then I got those cellphone clip-on plates. When I bought one color, I had to buy the complete set of 12.

Riley: Chloe, you don't have a cell phone.

Chloe: Who can afford one? Anyways, (looking in her wallet) How much do you have?

Riley: Let me think. I gave 50 to the library last week, and I adopted a tree in the amazon. And for 59 cents a day, I'm sponsering a little boy in El Salvador.

Chloe: (holding heart) That's beautiful. I'm proud to be your sister. You're sponsering a little kid you don't even know, and here I am, your own flesh and blood, broke!

Riley: Chloe, Iraq attacked that little boys village last year.

Chloe: And I almost ran out of sunscreen last week.

Riley: Who . . . are you? . . . Wait. I do have a little bit of money just in case of emergencie. (pulls a bucket out. Chloe gets excited. Riley pulls a piece of paper out)

I owe you 20 bucks. Signed Chloe.

(Chloe shrugs)


(In the kitchen) (Macy with papers, folding and organizing for work)

Jake: Hey, uh, I stopped by. I wanted to see if maybe you'd like to have dinner.

Manuelo: Senor Jake, you and Senor Macy are having a trial seperation. (pause) You oughta try harder.

Macy: Sorry, Jake. I have a thing tonight.

Jake: Oh, your book club?

Macy: No, that's Wednesdays. Tonight is my "Women in business" meeting.

Manuelo: I thought tonight was the spinning.

Macy: No, that's Mondays. I guess I can work you in one day next week. Bye. (leaves)

(Manuelo starts sweeping the floor)

Jake: Man, she's taking the seperation pretty hard. She wants to be alone. So . . . the weekends coming up.

Manuelo: That comes at the end of every week.

Jake: (laughs) Yeah, my inner journey has been really fulfilled, but man, come the weekends. I need to get out a little.

Manuelo: Well, a (hits Jake in the foot with the broom) Don't let me stop you.

Jake: (sits on the counter) Not that me and Macy have really done a lot since we've been seperated, and my friends, they all got married, and the ones who didn't all go the clubs, and it's so noisy and it gets old. What are you doing this weekend?

Manuelo: I have a date. At Nepture's Net.

Jake: Nepture's Net. That's great! It's my favorite place. You uh, go have a good time. I'll uh, spend another weekend in my trayler. Watching the candlewax puddle.

Manuelo: I'd ask you to come but--

Jake: (jumps down) Oh, thanks Manuelo. That would be great. I'd love to.

Manuelo: But I have a date.

Jake: You sure do. Pick me up at 8:00. (punches Manuelo's arm as he runs out)


(Chloe and Riley are looking around in the living room)

Chloe: (finds a nickel in the sofa) Hey, a nickel. If we find 3,000 more of these, it's "Hello, Plaque".

(Doorbell rings)

Chloe: (answers the door and sweetly) Hello, Larry.

Larry: Hey.

Riley: I found something! What is this? (smells the teeth) It smells like garlic.

Larry: Hey, those are my halloween teeth. I've been looking all over for those. (takes them, and puts them in)

Riley: Billy Bob, go home. (pause) And please rinse.

Larry: Alright, I'll go home. But it's too bad because I got three Plaque tickets for us.

(The girls scream & hug. Chloe hugs Larry)

Did I forget to mention that I got VIP parking?

Riley: Larry, none of us drive.

Larry: Well, it was worth a try.

(Chloe nods, and pats him on the back)


(At the lunch table)

Riley: Hey, Larry. That Plaque concert really rocked last night. I'm glad you could take us.

Larry: Yeah, well, ya know. It's only money. When you think of Plaque, you can think of Larry.

Teacher: Hey, kids. How's the fundraising money coming?

Chloe: Wonderfully.

Teacher: That's good. And remember to lock all the money in my office at the end of the day. (leaves) Chloe: Well, let's check our total. (opens the cashbox)

Riley: It's empty.

Chloe: We've been robbed!

Larry: Calm down, girls. It's okay. We havn't been robbed.

Chloe: How can you tell that--Larry, you didn't?

Larry: What? Open that box and take the money to buy those concert tickets. Of course I did.

Chloe: Larry!

Riley: How could you?

Larry: It's okay. It's just a loan. Today's my birthday--

Riley: And the day of your death! (starts attacking but Chloe holds her back)

Larry: It's okay. Don't worry about it. Every year my grandma sends a check, I go to the bank and cash it, and then I can put it back in the safe tonight. See, look. (opens a letter) "Dear Larry, a donation has been made in your name to the Fresh Air fund". Aw, isn't she sweet? (looks back down) Aaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!

(Riley and Chloe scream as they chase him out the room)


(In their bedroom, Chloe on the the bed, Riley pacing the room)

Chloe: Must think. Must think.

Riley: There's nothing to think about. We're over! It's finished. There's no way out!

Chloe: Don't get hysterical on me, Riley. Just take a deep, cleansing breath.

Riley: (sits and breathes, then breathes harder)

Chloe: Okay, now you're hyperventilating and that's not good either. The fundraiser isn't over til next Wednesday. Mrs. Westmore isn't going to check the box until then. We have a week to raise 200 dollars. (Riley panting)

Will you stop that?

Riley: (stops) I have an idea.

Chloe: Great.

Riley: Part one . . . (starts to fall back & Chloe catches her) Catch my breath. Part Two: I'm going to mom and dad to confess the whole thing.

Chloe: Okay, just remember (walking to the door with Riley) When you're being honest, I had nothing to do with this!


(In the kitchen)

(Macy and Jake are at the table drinking coffee and Macy is looking at the newspaper)

Riley: (walks in) Hey Mom, Dad. Can I talk to you for a sec?

Macy: Oh yeah. I'm just caught up in this article. It's about a 14 year old boy who was caught stealing cds. He lives in this neighbourhood. I know his mother.

Jake: That's terrible. We're so lucky we have two good kids like you and your sister. Now honey, you wanted to talk to us about something.

(Riley laughs softly as she exits the room)

(Living Room)

Chloe: How'd it go?

Riley: Not so good. It would have broken their hearts to think I was capable of something like that. But for you, I don't think they would have been so shocked.

(Doorbell rings, they walk to the door. Larry is dressed like Lincoln)

Riley: Larry!

Larry: Shhhh!!! I'm in disguise. I don't want anyone to follow me here.

Riley: Like who? Mrs. Lincoln?

Larry: Listen, I got the solution to all our problems, okay? We'll just get jobs.

Chloe: Okay, I know we all went to the concert, but you're the one who stole all the money. Me and Riley don't need jobs.

Larry: Havn't you heard of the word "Accesorie"?

Chloe: Yeah. (being a smartass) It's when you buy a dress or something and to go along with it, you buy a purse or bag--

Riley: Chloe, he's not talking about that kind of accesorie.


(Nepture's Net)

Jake: So Khandi, how long have you and Manuelo known each other?

Khandi: Well, we've met for coffee from time to time, but this is our real first date.

Jake: Well geez, Manuelo. Why didn't you tell me this? I feel awful horning in like this. I'll just finish my drink & get out of here. (stands up)

Manuelo: Well, if you insist . . . goodbye. (raises his glass to that)

Waiter: Have you had time to review the menu?

Jake: Not me. I'm leaving at the moment.

Waiter: The special tonight is Alaskan crablegs, but you do have to allow an extra 30 minutes for preperation.

Jake: (sits back down) Who can say no to Alaskan crablegs?

Manuelo: (disgusted) Hopefully you.


Jake: So Khandi, how long have you been a flight attendant?

Khandi: Four years.

Jake: Wow, that must be real exciting. Traveling all over the country, seeing select cities, the exotic locales. What's your route?

Khandi: Burbank to Long Beach.

Jake: Wow. How do you deal with all those time changes?

Manuelo: Speaking of time . . .

Jake: Oh, right! Just let me get the check and I'll be out of here. Hey, waiter! Check, please.

Waiter: Oh, don't you want to see the dessert menu first? Tonight we're having a chocolate soflea. It allows 30 minutes for preparation.

Jake: Souflea? My favorite.

Manuelo: (groans)


(In the kitchen, Chloe is looking through the newspaper)

Chloe: Look at all these jobs. We're bound to find something we like.

Macy: (walks in) Hey, what are you guys up to?

Larry: We have to get jobs.

Macy: Really? Why do you need jobs?

Chloe: Well . . . um, your success in the business world is such an inspiration to us.

Riley: She's right. I mean, you're such a great businesswoman. (pause) And uh, ya know, since we're 14, we figured you're never too young to start your own business.

Macy: Well, I'm very proud (Kisses Riley) of you little (kisses Chloe) entreprenaurs. (pats Larry on the head as she leaves)

Chloe: Bye. (stands up) Okay, who wants to walk dogs?

Riley: You might want to give that one to Larry. He speaks their language.

Chloe: (looking at index cards) And I'll take the gardening job. I guess it'll be okay working outside.

Riley: (looking at the card) There's a babysitting job. Taking care of little kids. Mmm, sounds like fun.


(In the living room, Riley is strapped to a chair & the kids are hitting her with pillows)

Riley: (to the audience) Well, this is going well.


(Chloe walks in the front door, dirty and tired)

Chloe: I'm back. Where's Riley?

Macy: (on the sofa) She just got done babysitting. She's resting. How did your job go?

Chloe: Well, let's see. I just spent 8 hours yanking weeds from a flowerbed. Good thing about flowerbeds . . . slugs and bees have a nice place to live. Oh, and good news. I'm not allergic to multiple stings. (shows Macy her arms)

Macy: (walks over to Chloe) Hey, Honey.

Chloe: Who knew hard work could be so hard?

Macy: I'm so proud of you. These are lessons that will help you the rest of your life. And who knows, ya know? Maybe one day you'll own your own business and people will work for you. (Chloe grins)


(Lifeguard Stand)

Chloe: Mom was right. She built a business from scratch. How did she do it? By motivating other people to work for her. So I talked to Riley and we created a new little system. Find a job, get other kids to do them, and a little time for ourselves. Isn't this country great or what? Oh, and guess who turned out to be quite the little entreprenaur?



Riley: (has a ruler) We gave you kids some valuable leads. The gutters need to be cleaned on 3rd street, two cars need to be washed on Pine, and Mrs. Danson's is up that tree again. These are premium leads, people.

Boy: The leads are no good.

Riley: The leads are no good? You're no good! You've got to close those leads. You can't closte them, you hit the bricks. (serious) You think I'm kidding? You see this? (walks to the board and flips it around) A-B-C. Always be closing. Always be closing! (notices the boy get up) Where do you think you're going?

Boy: To get some Juicy-Juice.

Riley: Juicy-Juice? Juicy-Juice is for closers! Now we're going to have a little contest here to see who brings in the most money in the neighbourhood. First prize-- a new bicycle. Second prize-- You're fired!!


(In the kitchen)

Manuelo: Oh, baby. Khandi Feneka, I have created a feast for the senses. Sune Frico, vito, and (Jake walks in) Senor Carlson.

Jake: Hey, Khandi. I'm glad you're here. I just wanted to apologize for intruding on your date last night. It was insensitive and inappropriate, and I hope you can forgive me. Have a good lunch.

Manuelo: Thank you.

Jake: Oh, and uh, if you see Riley and Chloe, just have them call me.

Khandi: Are those your girls in the picture? They're beautiful.

Jake: Oh, thanks. (grabs the picture frame) They're great.

Khandi: You know, I have a niece their age. Here, look at this. (pulls out her wallet)

Jake: Oh, what a sweetheart.

Khandi: Isn't she cute?

Jake: She's beautiful. Must run in the family.

(Manuelo shakes his head as Khandi giggles)


(looking through the photo album)

Jake: That's Riley on her big wheel. Oh, and there we are at the petting zoo. Yeah, Chloe fed the goat my rolex. (Khandi laughs) Took it off, fed gone.

Khandi: (Khandi cracking up & to Manuelo) Isn't that funny?

Jake: Oh, kids. I tell you. They'll just test you.

Manuelo: Cut it! Your lunch is getting cold.

Khandi: Oh. (looks at her watch) I've got to catch a flight. I'll just get something on the plane. (walking to the door)

Manuelo: But you didn't get to try my Sune Frico.

Khandi: Sorry I can't stay. Oh, but Manuelo, I have some good news. I just got a promotion. I'm doing the trans-european flights. See you in 6 months! Cioa! (kisses his cheek) Oh, cioa! (kisses Jake on both cheeks as she exits)

Jake: Cioa! (closes the door)

She is great.

(Manuelo gives him the death look)

I screwed up again, didn't I? (Manuelo doesn't change his expression)


(Lunch table)

Chloe: Good earning, Amy. (grabs next money) Way to go, Joe. (next one) Alright, Chuckie. (clears throat, he hands the check over) Thank you.

Riley: (runs in) That's right, people! Always be closing. That's it! (runs to Chloe)

Chloe: Alright, will you back off a little? You're starting to scare everyone.

Riley: I had no idea making this much money would be so much fun. I guess it's in my blood.

Chloe: We're almost there. I just hope Larry can put us over the top today.


(In front of the classroom)

Larry: My report takes a long look at the modern technology of todays society. Case and point: How did mankind ever survive without the eighth wonder of the world . . . The Amazing Veggie Wonder. Look how this thing slices the tomatoes so thin you read right through them! (looks through the tomatoes) Now look. I am going to take this potatoe and turn it into a mountain of fries. (does so) Now watch as I carve this radish into a rose. (pushes it down) AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(At the lockers)

Chloe: (counting the money) Hey, we did it.

Riley: Now all we have to do is sneak into Mrs. Westmore's office and put this back in the box.

Mrs. Westmore: Good plan. Only one hitch. (opens the box) I knew the box was empty all week. I think we need to make a call to somebody's parents. (the girls walk slowly down the hall)

Larry: Hey, no. No! We could talk about this, ya know? You could buy the chalk, like the good stuff. The stuff that matches the dresses that you wear . Well, you kinda wear the same dress everyday, but that . . . we could get that color . . . in the chalk

. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(In the living room)

Macy: (on the sofa) You should have told us the truth about Larry borrowing the money.

Chloe: ( on the edge of the recliner) We know. I'm sorry.

Riley: (in the recliner) Me too.

Macy: You know you can always talk to me and your father.

Jake: We're never too busy for you.

Manuelo: Tell me about it.

Macy: So for your punishment, you girls are going to do the chores around the house for an entire month.

Manuelo: You like that one? That was my idea.

Macy: And we're agreed, no secrets.

R&C- Yes.

Riley: (hugs mom) Sorry.

Chloe: (hugs dad) Sorry. (hugs mom) Sorry. (they both leave)

Manuelo: Since we're all being honest with each other, I should tell you Senor Jake . . . we're breaking up.

Jake: You and Khandi?!

Manuelo: No, me and you.

Macy: (looks surprised but laughs)

Jake: (sighs)