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"The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it"
May 29, 2000
The Program
MY Profile GO!
Discussion Board

Master Links
LC Basics
LC Books
Success Stories

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Great Recipe Sites
The Project
May 2
First Challenge group celebrated a successful 6 weeks.
May 15
New Challenge Started
May 16
Tele-class at 7PM EST.
Memorial Day
Week 3 of the challenge is starting.

FRIDAY "weigh-in" here

NEW! recipe sites

WANT TO WRITE? We are looking for original low carb content. Please contact us

TELECLASS TUESDAY NIGHT at 7:00PM EST. Call 407-649-7573

MEET REAL weight loss winners! Week 2 results

NEW! Discussion Board is up.

MAY 2 Challenge over. Pax loses 42 lbs!

Had it with yo-yo diets? If you qualify, we'll show you how to: feel and look great-have more energy-sleep better-lower your cholesterol-meet motivated people-have more confidence-rarely get hungry and YES! actually lose the weight...forever.
Join our mailing list!
Enter your email address & click 'Go!'

"The biggest risk..
is not taking one."

Why our community gets results.
Every single one of us is at their ideal weight and or/committed to getting there. We are proof that education, goal setting and a supportive environment create success.

It's your turn to succeed.
If you are willing to 1) commit to a goal; and 2) accept our guidance and support, then any dreams you have/had regarding your ideal weight, can come true. Really.
Whether you use a handle (alias) or your real name, we have everything needed to help you make an incredible lifestyle change starting right now.

What's the catch ?
Goalguide is free. There is one thing however we request of you to insure you succeed.

It's pretty simple ...

Click here

Success Stories
I have to brag to someone……13 pounds as of this morning. Not too shabby for -- believe it or not -- 13 days…..

You have no idea how grateful I am for giving me the backbone to do this and the support to make it happen.

