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Shannon's Room:
hello. my name is germ and i'm writing yonatan's temporary bio.

i suppose i'll begin by stating that yonatan is, in fact, the jewish conspiracy. he is a proud socialist and history buff and has a very hard head (quite literally, often has been the time that i have observed someone walk up to him and without saying anything punch him directly in the forehead). his zine Diggers and Levelers, though currently only in its first issue, is a well thought-out journal on american & global politics…

it was just recommended to me that i stop this bio about yonatan and start writing a bio about his sister izzy whom everyone loves more.

izzy was born in the early eighties. though little is known about her childhood, Izzy has been said to have grasped at an early age the finer points of living life to its fullest. it wasn't until the early nineties that izzy's effect on the world became truly known when she single-handedly became the oldest sibling of three (herself, one brother, and two twin brothers, totaling three people). in high school, izzy quickly moved among the ranks of her grade's social elite, regaling her colleagues with stories of indie-rock and her communist brother (we have yet to learn his name). soon, it became time for her to leave the comfortable environment of high school and thus izzy applied to that college and got in. the mark she has left upon that college that she's attending will surely be long-lasting and will likely result in big things happening. izzy, we wish you best!

My name is Ben and I saw Izzy Grinspan at a Sleater-Kinney concert a couple weeks ago. She was with her friend Ben Ramsen, and they told me that if I want to be one of the cool kids like them I have to be very concerned with how my hat looks. But I'm not wearing a hat! Anyway, word on the street is that every last Grinspan is currently in some sort of Turkish prison. Solid.

note: this bio has been updated because this young lad has recently urged people to stop calling him jon, in favor of the infinately more jewish yonatan. yonatan, "Shannon's Room" applauds your mighty israeli spirit!

The Grinspans return to America and comment on their un authorized bios.

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