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Shannon's Room: SAVE STEVE!
Shannon's Room:

artist's sketch of Steve

Last year, for 78 days, we watched on TV as NATO planes bombed hundreds of cities in Yugoslavia. It has been proven that atleast 1,200 civilian Serbs were killed. The Yugoslavian government claims there are even more bodies that can't be accounted for, as stated on Serb Television.

One may ask, "Why would the western nations declare war on a sovereign nation because it was trying to protect its own land?" NATO claims it was for Milosevic's ethnic cleansing. However, the western powers are not as innocent as they look. The United States was sending money to the Kosovo Liberation Army long before NATO got involved. The United States had spies in Kosovo working for the KLA, and then there were also the "mistake" attacks, that includes: bombardments of civilian trains, buses, schools, hospitals, and the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade. For months following that attack, China was in an uproar. We watched on the national networks, as Chinese students burned American and British flags in front of the American Embassy in China, and demanded that their government do something about NATO's murderous attacks on their nation.

Now the United States claims, it tries to be "the friendly brother of the world," then why didn't it help the people in Rwanda? Might it be because Rwanda is a poor nation? That there isn't any oil, car factories, or raw materials that it can profit from? The Yugoslavian government relentlessly tried to negotiate with NATO. The same treaty it signed when the raids ended, it signed 78 days earlier, as stated by the London Times.

The raids did not bring "freedom" to Yugoslavia. It brought a nation to the Stone Age. Bridges that once united the nation over the Danube River now lay in ruins. Thousands live on the streets, and are unemployed. Social unrest burns in the hearts of many Yugoslavians. Ethnic Albanians who are tired of the peace keepers dividing the nation, are continuously starting riots. Many of the ethnic Albanians even claim that the Serbian population are demons. As stated on, the KLA has been restored.

While all this goes on, the "producers" of this war watch as the money flows into London and Washington D.C. War does not solve problems, it makes them worse. The US should have learned from its own Civil War.

[note: Ben took it upon himself to subvert this page's original purpose. frankly, i'm not entirely sure what this is (i think it might be some of Steve's writing) but i am not man enough to challenge Ben to change or clarify what this page has been turned into.]

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