~*~Zoe Vixen~*~

Well, you've managed to find your way to the part about me. I was born in Anchorage, Alaska, on December 7th. That makes me a Sagittarius, and, according to the Chinese horoscopes, born in the year of the horse. Would this would make me 3/4 horse? I guess I was a pretty normal little kid. I was REALLY, REALLY bossy! hehehe And messy... I'm surprised my parents never followed through with the threats of trading me in for a basketball. Some friends and I built a treehouse in the woods behind my house that we would throw water-balloons at kids we didn't like from in the summers. Yeah, I was a tom-boy. Odd that I'm so girly now, hmm? Winter would bring sledding, snowballs, hot chocolate with marshmallows, roaring fires, snowmen, and, of course, the nearing of Yule! Somewhere in all this fun I turned weird. I sat in the back of the classroom and wrote little stories or drew, and generally got in a lot of trouble. = ) Junior high sucked ass. I think administrators do this on purpose to get kids ready for high school. We used to call it "prison" instead. The one redeming factor was my chosen elective, choir. I can't even begin to tell you how much fun that was, with all the touring of hotels and getting out of class! Hehehe Then came high school... I can't really say that it was all bad. Starting out I really enjoyed all the things I was supposed to, like the dances, and assemblies, and lunch-time antics displayed by the ever-popular kids in student govornment. I actually wore school colours and participated. Then, about six months into all that, I just kind of lost it. Not my mind, so much, but definitely my spirit. I got really, really cynical and jaded. Then came GIGS MUSIC THEATRE

I was bored. I craved happenings. So my girl Sara and I started exploring the city and seeing what we could find. That was when the Java Joint was still around (Now a pawn shop- yet ANOTHER on Spenard), the Polar-Tri still showed movies (Now it's a school)and the Blue-Moon was still the local drag-bar (Now a live blue's music joint). Eventually we came across Gigs, and it was love at first sight. It was like finding the secret hide-out! All the little freaks and creeps were there, waiting for us... The pursuit for some happenings was a success. When I got out of school, I got a job at Europa Bakery. Those couple years of my life were better than any therapy. = ) I had, as some like to put it, found myself.

I met my husband Colin at Gigs, and the rest is history.

A bit of trivia about me? Check out my little details. I used to live in San Francisco, California and I miss it, but was ready to come home... Too much of what I hated in high school. Unoriginality, status-climbing, lack of sense of humour and serious lack of happenings worth attending... Back to the main page...