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Zinaida Pozdnyakova

Water-colour painting, colour lithograph, silkscreen, colour linocut, and oil pastel

1. Gardens of Jerusalem

Mixed media 40 x 60

2. View of Kiryat Yovel

Silkscreen 49 x 63

3. Roofs of Jerusalem

Water-colour painting 40x 50

4. Still-life with Watermelon

Water-colour painting 50x70

5. Jerusalem the Golden

Water-colour painting 55 x 75

6. Jerusalem in Snow

Water-colour painting 40 x 60

7. Camels in the Negev

Water-colour painting 40 x 60

Zinaida Pozdnyakova

Judaica-- Decorated Olivewood

1. Dreidels

2. Mezuzot

3. Cups for Kidush

Sonya Rose

Poster prints from Felt-pen drawings series.

1. Temple series no. 4

2. Temple series no. 5


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