.A l i . B o u l a l a.


ali boulala is a professional skateboarder. while he isn't my favorite skateboarder. i always find myself excited to watch any footage i can get my hands on of him. his raw style and approach to skateboarding breathes new life into any video part he's in. although, i think ali spends more time drinking than skating nowadays, he doesn't lack skill. he recently got arrested and deported for numerous skateboarding tickets and drinking in public. read a small interview[and see assorted photos] i stole from antix.com about his recent incident below;

Innocent skate tickets earn pro skater Ali Boulala five days in an orange jumpsuit, overnights in four different Southern California jails, and $75,000 bail! A fascinating excerpt from our ongoing coverage of skaters and crime. By Pascal Struwer Pascal Struwer: What's up, Ali? Ali Boulala: What’s up, man? PS: I’ll get straight to the point. Why did you go to jail? AB: I had a bunch of unpaid tickets for skating from a while back when I was in Huntington Beach. I left to Europe and just threw them all away. Then, when I came back this time, I got caught jaywalking with a beer in my hand. The cops put me in the drunk tank for a couple of hours until Geoff (Rowley) came and paid $300 to get me out. I thought everything was cool, the tickets were paid and I was back out on the street. A couple months went by and one morning me and Jim (Greco) were sitting on a bench drinking beer and someone from the neighborhood called up the cops. PS: You’re drinking for breakfast? AB: Whatever…The cops came by and put Jim in the car for being drunk. Then they looked up my name in the computer and arrested me right away. They had us rolling around Huntington in the cop car for a couple of hours and then I went to Orange County jail. I had an orange dress on me for five days. After that they drove me all over Orange County with some Mexicans. Now it was the Immigration guys driving me around. I had my usual clothes on me this time, at least. They left me in San Pedro one night, downtown L.A. the next, then downtown San Diego the night after that. They took me to all those places like once a day. Finally, they took me to the checkpoint from Up in Smoke between L.A. and San Diego and released me at five o'clock in the morning. Ryan Bartsma's girlfriend came to pick me up. PS: What were you and Jim doing on the bench? AB: We were sitting and drinking. I don't know if someone had seen us or not…We went to the store for more beers. I don't know if the cops had seen us or the bottles under the bench. We were coming back home from the store, and the cops were at the opposite end of the bench where we were before, looking in the bushes. PS: What happened to Jim? AB: He got caught and then released the day after. PS: How much was the bail to get you out? AB: $75,000 PS: What!? Tell me about the people you were in jail with. AB: There was this one guy, the only white guy in our block [Editor’s note: Ali is Persian, although he's from Sweden]. There was some shit going on between him and the other guys. The guards moved him to another cellblock. I asked the other guys what he had done; he was the only one who didn't tell me what he was in for. They didn't say anything. They just showed me their thumb passing across their throat. He probably cut someone's throat or something. I'm not really sure. PS: Shit…What else went down? AB: Then there was this other guy who was nice, he was half Arabian or something. His friend had taken his credit card and used lots of money from it. He beat the guy up real bad and got thrown in jail. The other guys thought it was kind of strange that I was in jail for unpaid skate tickets and for being drunk. If you don't pay your tickets, you get warrants. But I didn't really understand why I was in jail, because I thought everything was cool when Geoff paid those $300 to get me out. Then time passed, and those tickets were probably getting more and more expensive. I don't know how much time passed exactly, but enough to make the bail worth $75,000. PS: But now everything is cool right? AB: Yeah. PS: So what's gonna happen in the near future? AB: I'm gonna be cautious with the cops. PS: What happened after the prison thing? AB: I went to France with the Flip team to visit Tom Penny and then I went back home to Sweden. I'm going back to the States pretty soon. PS: Alright Ali, peace. AB: Peace.