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They say your dreams are messages and you should write them down. I know they can take you to wonderous heights and marvalous things can happen in them.
In my dreams, I am with you and my heart soars. I can feel your closeness and your touch.
In my dreams, I can see what can be and awaken in a glorious mood and a smile on my face.
Is this a message of what will be? What could be? Or is this my heart telling me what it wants?.. Only time will tell.
How I love to fall asleep and let those beautiful dreams fill my night. It is the only way I can be with you. The only way to feed this ache inside of me.
Come my love, to my special world. Let us feel, talk to, and love one another.
Sometimes my dreams are so real, I can actually feel you next to me. I roll over and you are not there and emptiness flows through this heart of mine.
In my dreams we walk side by side, and visit the wonders of the world. We soar with the eagles, and swim the Carribian.
In these dreams filled with love and laughter and you, I am happy beyond belief, and lost in the wonder of you.

Walk in beauty, love, and laughter.

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