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Life is a journey. On this journey you will find joy and heartache. People will come into your life and they will leave. Some stay. It is just a journey and it is your choice as to how you want your journey to be. You can choose for it to be a good one, or a bad one.
Look at the hardships in your life as rocks or mountains in the middle of the road and just do what you must do to get over or around them. Use them to make you a stronger, and better person.
We each have our own journey in this life and we must do it the way we see that it works for us. It is a journey of learning, loving, and giving. We may see an easier way for someone, but they must make their own decision as to how to make their journey. Just as we must choose our own.
Some have a really rough road to travel, and sometimes it hurts us to see them going through the things they must. But you must remember that this is their journey and their lessons. Just dont look down on someone for the road they have taken. Just love them and let them go. They will find the way. But they will do it their way.
Dont judge people by their looks, beliefs, culture, or anything else. We are all brothers and sisters and we all are headed to the same place. We just take different trails. So send out love to all and continue your journey.
But if you take your journey with love and laughter then you will find the road smoothes out and your journey will be easier.
Walk your road with beauty, peace, love and harmony and you will see that it becomes a bright wonderful journey.
Talk to the Great Spirit and thank him for the wonders in your life. Thank him for the beauty around you and the people you meet and yes even those darn rocks in the road. 'Why?' you say? Well, because these rocks make you a stronger, better person, and they help you to appreciate and enjoy the good things in life.

Walk In Beauty, Love, And Laughter

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