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Listen to The Spirit

Why dont you listen to that inner voice? The one that comes from deep inside? It is the voice of your spirit trying to lead you and guide you through life. It will lead you to happiness and all you can be, if you will only listen.
This is such a busy world and it seems as though money and things have taken control over us all. And we have closed ourselves to that wonderful spirit that is inside each and everyone of us.
You know that little voice that tells you something is good or bad? The one that says do it this way or dont do that, you will be sorry? That is your spirit talking.
We have closed ourselves to so much and wind up missing out on the good that is meant for us. I am not just talking money or things here...but happiness. We know deep within that money and things dont bring happiness. But we all kill ourselves trying to attain those things. And we forget to work for the things that are truely important. The love of family and friends. The joy in reaching out to help another. It can be just a hug,listening or actually doing. These are the wonderful things in life.
Listen not with your heart but with your spirit and all in your life will right itself..Find the beauty that is inside each and everyone of us.
The spirit knows what is right for us. So listen to it and you will see that things will go in the right direction. We all listen to family and friends that mean well but they dont know what is right for us. They feel they do. But only the spirit knows. Have the strength to march to your own drummer and you will see great wonderful changes in your life.
Take time out each day and listen to the spirit. Let it guide you..Find some time. Make some time. If you wanted to do something else you would find a minute or two. So find a minute or two to talk and listen to the spirit. You will feel much better for it.

Skyfairy by Fun With Sigs
